Page 53 of His Omega Bear
“I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry,” I murmured to her before jumping into the driver’s seat. I turned on the ignition and let out a shaky breath as the engine roars to life. I peeled out of the driveway, my heart pounding in my chest.
Emilia’s cries echoed my own sense of panic and fear. I drove as fast as I could, the dark road stretching out before me. Every shadow felt like a potential threat. I wanted to scream, to let out the fear and confusion that was choking me, but I couldn’t…I had to keep it together for Emilia.
The miles blurred together as I drove through the night. My eyes burned from exhaustion, but I couldn’t stop. Not yet. I had to put distance between us and Rhys.
My thoughts were a chaotic jumble, replaying the moment he shifted over and over. How could he keep something like that from me? What if there was more he was hiding?
Emilia’s wailing finally stopped as she cried herself to sleep. I was a shit parent, and I knew it. It was all a reminder of how helpless I felt. She was crying for both of us because I want to wail, too. My world had fallen apart, and I didn’t know how to piece it back together.
After hours on the road, I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open. My eyelids drooped and I fought to keep them open. I couldn’t risk falling asleep at the wheel, so I have to find somewhere to stop. I spotted a sign for a Ramada ahead and pulled into the parking lot.
I parked the car and took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. Pulling out my phone, I quickly found our location and made an online reservation. With that done, I gathered what she would need for the night and put it all into one bag.
I hated to disturb her now that she was sleeping, but I didn’t have any other option. So I got out of the car and unhooked her car seat from the behind me. I tucked in the blankets around her, slung the bag over my shoulder, lifted the car seat. After locking the car, we headed to check in.
The desk attendant looked up with a smile on her face. “Can I help you?”
“Yes. I made a reservation online.” I gave her my last name and waited for her to process everything.
When she slid the keycard to me, I thanked her and headed for the elevator. After a short ride, I found our room. It was clean and a refuge from the chaos outside. I set Emilia down on the bed, unbuckled her from the car seat, and laid her out on her blanket on the bed. When she was settled, I laid down beside her.
For the first time since we’d left Asheville, I could finally slow down.
The silence in the room was deafening. I watched her tiny chest rise and fall with each breath. She looked so peaceful, so innocent.
And that’s when I lost it. The tears I’d been holding back came rushing out. I got up so as not to wake her and I buried my face in my hands, sobbing uncontrollably.
I thought I could handle anything, but this... this was too much. Rhys wasn’t even human. What does that mean for us? For our baby?
My mind spun with questions I had no answers for. Fears I couldn’t seem to banish. The betrayal was a sharp knife, plunging deep into my heart. To discover the man I loved had kept such an essential part of himself hidden from me was devastating.
As the tears faded, a numbness took over. I had no idea what to do next, or where to go from here. All I knew was that I had to protect Emilia. I had to find a way to keep her safe in a world that suddenly felt more dangerous than I ever imagined.
As I sat on the edge of the bed, watching her sleep, I tried to come up with a plan. But all I can think about was how everything had already changed, and how nothing would ever be the same again. The man I loved, the life I thought we were building—it was all gone.
But for Emilia’s sake, I had to keep going. I had to find a way to navigate this new reality, no matter how terrifying it might be. I leaned down and kiss her forehead, whispering everything was okay. Even though I didn’t know how I would do it.
And without Rhys.
Chapter 22
Isat in the empty kitchen, the cold silence pressing down on me like a heavy weight. My heart felt like it had been shattered. I’d known from the beginning things could go badly, but I hadn’t imagined it would end this way. Jaxson had been ready to kill me… and our child. I wrapped my hands around my stomach.
The echoes of our confrontation replayed in my mind, each moment more painful than the last. The look of terror and betrayal in Jaxson’s eyes, the way he had pulled the gun, his desperate retreat upstairs to protect Emilia—all of it cut deeper than any physical wound could have. I’d seen fear before, but never directed at me, and never from someone I loved.
As I glanced around at my familiar things, I couldn’t believe I was back in my home. I had a hard time remembering the last time I’d slept here. And for a short time, I’d considered going to my Papa’s. But I would have been alone there too, because they hadn’t returned from their trip.
I stood up from my seat, and paced the length of the kitchen, my thoughts a tangled mess of regret and heartache. I should have told Jaxson sooner, found some way to ease him into the truth. But hindsight was a cruel companion, offering clarity way too late to change anything.
How had I fucked this up so badly?
Even though they hadn’t been here, the space around me felt empty without Emilia’s and Jaxson’s presence. I’d never felt so helpless. And this wasn’t something I could change. I’d convinced myself that if Jaxson loved me, knew me…
I stared out into the darkness, searching for some sign, some glimmer of hope. But there’s nothing. Only the cold, empty night and the realization that I might never see Jaxson ever again.
There had to be a way to fix this, to make Jaxson see that despite turning into a predator animal, I was still the same person who loved him deeply. But how? The question of fucking century. I had no idea how to handle all this, and the uncertainty was driving me crazy.