Page 64 of His Omega Bear
Iwas playing on the floor with Emilia, who was now a very active crawler. She even tried to stand once—well, if you could call getting on your feet bent in half standing. Her giggles filled the room as she explored her little world, and I couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.
Resting against the couch, I watched her play and started thinking what I should take to Cooper and Graham’s for dinner. Their anniversary had been the day before, but we were celebrating with them today. I wanted to take something special to show how much their relationship meant to us.
Jaxson was working in the office at home, even though he now had one at the main office in town. With my due date so close, he refused to go anywhere. Glancing toward the office door, I felt a wave of affection for him. His protective instincts had kicked into overdrive lately, and while it could be a bit much at times, I appreciated how deeply he cared.
Emilia crawled over to me, her tiny hands reaching out for support as she attempted to stand again. I steadied her, feeling a pang of nostalgia for how quickly she was growing up. It seemed like just yesterday she was a newborn, and now she was on the verge of taking her first steps.
“You’re getting so big,” I murmured, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead. She gurgled in response, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and joy.
I smelled something familiar from Emilia and teased her for pooping. “Someone made a stinky,” I said, wrinkling my nose playfully.
As I went to stand up, a rush of warm fluid flowed from between my legs. My water had broken, soaking my sweats. Panic and excitement surged through me simultaneously as a pain tightened my belly. I picked Emilia up and headed upstairs, my mind racing with what needed to be done.
First things first: change Emilia’s diaper. I laid her down on the changing table, my hands trembling slightly as I cleaned her up and got her into a fresh diaper. Once she was dressed, I called down to Jaxson.
“Hey, babe? Can you come up here?”
Another cramping pain hit as I took Emilia to our room and placed her on the floor. I quickly got myself cleaned up and changed into dry clothes.
Right before Jaxson found us, I sent off a text to Kian.
Me: Water broke. Need you to take Emilia.
Jaxson appeared from downstairs, sensing something was up. His eyes widened in concern as he saw me standing there, hunched over, clearly in labor. “Rhys, what’s happening?” he asked, rushing over to my side.
Each wave of pain was a reminder that our baby was on the way. I tried to focus on my breathing, glancing at the clock and timing each contraction. They were still manageable, but I knew they would intensify soon.
“My water broke,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “Kian’s coming to get Emilia. We need to get to the hospital.”
Jaxson nodded, his face a mix of worry and determination. “Okay, let’s get you ready.”
As he gathered our things and waited for Kian, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of gratitude. Despite the chaos and the fear, I knew I had Jaxson by my side. Together, we would welcome our new baby into the world, and our family would grow even stronger.
When Kian arrived to pick up Emilia, I had to convince Jaxson to wait a moment. His worry was etched deep in his eyes, especially after losing his sister, Leanne, to childbirth. But he was my rock.
“Take good care of her,” Jaxson said, his voice tight with emotion.
“I will,” Kian assured us. “You guys just focus on bringing that baby into the world.”
With that settled, we hurried to the car. Jaxson was my focal point through the entire drive, talking me through my breathing, reminding me to stay calm. At the hospital, he never left my side, bringing me ice chips and letting me squeeze his hand when the pain got too much. His presence was a constant comfort, a reminder that I wasn’t alone in this.
The birth went flawlessly, textbook according to Dr. Ian, who’d birthed every baby in our family so far except for Serenity, of course.
As the doctor placed our healthy baby boy in my arms, Jaxson let out a sigh of relief that seemed to reverberate throughout the small hospital room. After hours of waiting, his tense muscles finally relaxed, the stress physically draining out of him, leaving behind immense relief and joy. The faint scent of antiseptic and the gentle humming of medical equipment filled the air, mingling with the sounds of our newborn’s soft cries and our own happy laughter. We were now a family of four, and it was a moment that we would never forget for the rest of our lives.
Jaxson held our little guy close, his expression a mix of awe and pure love. Tears glistened in his eyes as he gently placed his finger inside our son’s tiny fingers. He already had a strong grip on his dad. As I watched them, the room seemed to fade away, leaving just the three of us encapsulated in a bubble of overwhelming emotion and joy.
“He’s perfect,” Jaxson whispered, his voice filled with wonder.
I nodded, unable to tear my gaze away from our precious baby. His little face scrunched up as he let out another cry, and I couldn’t help but laugh softly at how adorable he was, even when he was upset.
As the nurse bustled around us, checking my vitals and making sure everything was okay, I felt a sense of peace settle over me. Jaxson leaned in to press a tender kiss to my forehead, his love and adoration palpable in the gentle gesture.
“We did it,” he murmured.
Jaxson finally let me hold our little guy so he could make sure everything was being done to take care of us. And when we were alone, he finally collapsed on the couch, exhausted but immensely relieved.
I looked down at our son, marveling at the tiny, perfect being we had brought into the world. His little fingers curled around mine, and I felt a surge of love so powerful it brought tears to my eyes. Glancing over at Jaxson, who was now dozing lightly on the couch, I felt a deep sense of peace and gratitude.