Page 1 of Forever Always
“Come here, Beckett. I want you to meet your new brother.”
I made a face at Daddy but still followed him out of my bedroom. I didn’t want to meet my new brother, but I didn’t have no choice. Daddy would be angry if I didn’t listen. On my way out, I grabbed my tiger stuffie off my dresser. Maybe my new brother would like tigers too.
I shuffled my feet across the floor, giggling at the swoosh, swoosh sound my socks made.
“Remember, be polite to Laurie. She’s going to be your new mom.”
Daddy had told me I was getting a new mom and brother when he picked me up from school yesterday. I’d been so excited because Daddy never picked me up. I usually took the bus home to Mrs. Walsh, who watched me when Daddy was working. But he’d come yesterday! And he’d taken me to McDonalds! Daddy always said I couldn’t have McDonalds because it was bad for me, so I’d been so happy! But then he’d told me that he’d met a new lady and they’d gotten married and she was gonna be my mommy. I’d cried then. I didn’t want a new mommy. I wanted my old one. But Daddy had taken my toy away and told me I wouldn’t get it back till I stopped. So I had.
Daddy squeezed my shoulder, hard, reminding me we were supposed to be going to the other room to meet these new people. My eyes got all stingy. Daddy never liked when I cried so I quickly wiped my face and followed him into the front room with the TV.
A lady was sitting on our couch. She was holding her hands and bouncing her foot up and down like I did when I was nervous before show and tell at school. She jumped to her feet when we came in.
The lady was pretty. She had really nice brown hair that came all the way to her elbow. It looked so soft.
The lady smiled at me as she came and knelt in front of me. It was nice. Friendly. Warm. I smiled back.
“Hi, Beckett. I’m Laurie. It’s really nice to meet you.”
“Hi, Miss Laurie. Daddy said you’re my new mommy.”
The lady, Laurie, looked at Daddy quickly before looking at me. “Maybe one day. I’d really love to be your mom. But right now, I’d like to be your friend. Is that okay?”
Laurie’s eyes were a honey brown. They were smiley eyes, crinkling at the corners, just like my teacher. My teacher was nice so maybe that meant Laurie would be nice too.
“Yeah, I think that’s okay.”
Laurie laughed and stood up. “Did your dad tell you that I have a son too? His name is Riley.”
Riley. I liked that name.
“Yeah. He told me he was my new little brother.”
Laurie just smiled again. “Would you like to meet Riley?”
I nodded, getting excited. I didn’t think I wanted a brother, but if he was like Laurie, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
“Yeah!” I showed her my tiger. “This is my coolest stuffie. He’s a tiger. Can I give it to Riley?”
Laurie’s face got all gushy in the way grown-ups always did when kids said something that made them happy. Daddy’s face never looked like that.
“Of course, sweetie. He will love it. Just remember, he’s a baby, so if he tries to eat it, don’t get upset.”
My face got all wrinkly. “Eat it? Why would he do that?”
“That’s what babies do. They put things in their mouths. It’s how they learn.”
That made no sense, but I shrugged. If my new brother wanted to eat Tiger, then I guessed it was fine. Tiger could take it.
Laurie took my hand and walked over to a big rectangle thing that was near the couch. The sides were net and the top was open. In it, a baby stood, holding the edge, drool dripping down his chin. Eww.
“This is Riley, Beckett. Riley, can you say hi to Beckett?”
“Bah, bah, Mama.”