Page 5 of Forever Always
I blinked at the guy behind the desk at the financial office at the community college. He looked back at me, bored.
“I’m sorry, what?” Cause there was no fuckin’ way what he said was true. Beckett and I made damn sure there was enough to pay for my classes. That was all this account was for.
“Your card was declined. Do you have another one you can try?”
I closed my eyes, torn between punching the kid and wanting to cry. “T-that’s not possible,” I whispered, as it got hard to breathe.
The guy just shrugged. “Well, if you want to come back, you have 10 days to pay the tuition before they drop you from your classes.”
I blocked him out as I fished my shitty phone out of my pocket. There was no fuckin’ way. None.
I clicked on the browser, went to the back site, and logged in. Becks and I didn’t have any apps on our phones for anything so Dad couldn’t possibly get our information. It would make it way too easy for the fucker to steal from us.
The tightness in my chest increased as I stared at my screen. No . . . this couldn’t be happening.
I refreshed the page again, hoping it was a mistake. But nothing fucking changed. The big ass 0 was right there on the top of the page, taunting me.
I was all too familiar with empty or negative bank accounts. It was a regular part of our lives. But it shouldn’t be happening with this one. Becks and I were so fuckin’ careful.
I started to dial his number before I thought better of it. Beckett was at work. He’d finally gotten a decent job at the factory, one that paid over minimum wage. I shouldn’t bother him there. He couldn’t lose it.
Still, I didn’t hang up.
“Riley, what’s wrong?”
My laugh was hysterical. Of course he automatically knew something was up. I never called him at work unless it was an emergency.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called. You’re busy. I’ll talk to you later.”
My finger didn’t even get to the disconnect button when Becks’s deep voice stopped me.
It was all he said, but that tone was enough to stop me in my tracks.
“It’s no big deal, Becks. I shouldn’t have called. I-I’m sorry.”
I heard Beckett’s heavy sigh through the line. “It’s obviously not nothin’. Just tell me, butterfly, before I start imaginin’ the worst.” Beckett had always said that butterflies remind him of me. Ever since I’d started walking, I used to chase the butterflies that would fly around our mom’s garden. I didn’t really remember that, but I loved hearing the stories. The last couple of months, he’d started calling me that. I was dying to know why but was terrified to ask. Sometimes, I thought he wasn’t sure he was saying it, and I was afraid if I brought attention to the sweet term of endearment, he’d stop. I also ignored the little shiver I’d been feeling whenever he used it on me.
“It’s just, I’m at school and . . .”
“Did something happen? Are you hurt?”
I smiled at my brother’s instant overprotectiveness. He’d been like that since I could remember.
“No. No, I’m fine. It’s just that I went to pay my tuition and, Becks, um, don’t freak out, but there’s nothin’ there.”
The line went deadly quiet. I slumped against the wall in front of the financial office and slid down it till I was sitting on my ass. People walked by and kept glancing at me, but I didn’t give a fuck. All that mattered was whatever Becks was about to stay.
Finally, he spoke. “I need more information than that.”
Fuck. His anger was right on the surface, so I debated lying for a second. I didn’t want him to lose it and mess up this job. His boss, Tim, was a pretty cool guy and he knew our situation, but still. We couldn’t afford to fuck this one up.
But I couldn’t lie to Beckett. I never could. “The account is empty, Becks. There’s nothin’ there.”
“That motherfucker.”
I swallowed, throat feeling so dry. “It’s okay. I’ll figure something out.”