Page 59 of Forever Always
Right. I tried to twist to look at him, but it hurt so instead I just held my hand out behind me, relieved when he squeezed it with his. “Are you okay? If you’re not ready—”
“No!” he shouted, making me to wince. “Sorry! No, I’m ready. I’m so fuckin’ ready. I’ve been ready for ages, baby. Just be patient with me if it’s awkward. I’m not that big, and . . .”
I wished I could see him. “Ri, let me see you for a sec.”
“Just do it, butterfly.”
He grumbled, but his face was suddenly inches from mine as he carefully leaned over me again.
“First of all, fuck off with that self-doubt bullshit. Everything about you is perfect. And don’t correct me on this. Even the parts that aren’t are perfect for me. That includes your dick. I don’t wanna know who got it in your head that you’re small because it’ll make me all murdery, but it’s bullshit. And even if you were, I wouldn’t care because it’s still you. This is my first time too. Or well, the first time I’m countin’. So if you don’t hold that against me, then I won’t hold it against you neither.”
All the doubt evaporated, leaving only lust. “Is it bad that I fuckin’ love that we’re both each other’s firsts?”
I melted. He didn’t even question what I meant or try to tell me I was wrong or something. Ri just accepted my words like he always did everything. My fingers curled in his hair and I kissed him.
“No, it’s not wrong. It makes me happy too.”
Riley smacked a loud kiss on my lips and then was behind me again. I heard the lube bottle and then the unmistakable sounds of his hand against his cock. He lay flush behind me, our legs intertwined. Ri gripped my thigh, probably to avoid the ribs, and lined himself up. He paused for one second and then started to push in.
“Ohhh, fuck.” It burned, and my ribs hurt, but I’d also rather die than tell Riley to stop. He was going so slow, was so careful, and kept stopping every inch to make sure I was okay.
It brought tears to my eyes, and they weren’t from the discomfort. The times from the past wanted to creep up, but every time they did, Ri would rub his thumb along my skin or kiss my back or do something to remind me that I couldn’t possibly be in better hands. For the first time in a long time, maybe forever, I felt safe.
“Ugh, Becks, baby. You’re so tight. You feel so good. Thank you for givin’ me this. Thank you for trustin’ me. I got you.”
He finally pushed all the way in. “Are you okay?”
I nodded and grabbed his hand that was on my thigh, and placed it on my dick just so he could see how okay I truly was. “Y-yeah. I feel full, but good. Safe.”
Riley’s hips hitched and his breath blew hot against my back as he gasped. “Yeah. You’re safe, Becks. You’re always safe with me.”
He started moving but never stopped checking in with me. “How are your ribs?” he asked again as he slid about halfway out and then pushed steadily back in. His other hand was working my cock into a frenzy, and I lost all sense of control.
All I could do was feel. Riley’s body pressed up against my back, his lips on my skin. His hand around my dick, his dick in my ass.
“I’m so full, butterfly. You feel so good.”
“So do you.” He grunted.
It wasn’t long before the sensation overload became something more. “Ri, I’m gonna come!”
“Fuck. Me too. I’m tryin’ to hold off, but I can’t no more.”
“Don’t. Don’t hold back. I wanna feel you fill me up.”
“Fuckin’ A, baby. Don’t say shit like that.”
“It’s true. Nothin’s ever been truer.”
Riley groaned. “Your wish is bout to come true.”
His hips stuttered as his fist tightened around my cock. His teeth latched onto my shoulder as his orgasm hit him full throttle. It was so much, and then I was following right after him, my load hittin’ the sheets.
Riley pulled out of me way too quickly. “Don’t!” But it was too late as his softening cock left my body. I squeezed my cheeks tight, trying to keep all his release inside of me, but some slid out.
“Oh shit.” Riley froze. “It’s leakin’ out of you.” He sounded mesmerized, “I-I’ve never thought about that. It looks so hot.”