Page 12 of The Heir's Bargain
"And?" My gaze flicked between my parents. "What do you mean, and?"
"And what happens when we are gone?" he asked, pulling my mother closer. My mother’s countenance dripped with pity. "While I like to believe we are still young, time will catch up to us."
I bit down on my tongue, unwilling to think of a time when I wouldn't have my parents beside me. Several of my friends had lost their parents, some younger than others. I saw the pain that loss had caused. I couldn't imagine experiencing it firsthand.
"Who will you have beside you when we are gone?"
My lips parted, but he cut me off as if knowing my response.
"When your friends have found their own families to care for?"
Shaking my head, I stared at the sky. Pain laced my jaw as I bit down, grinding my teeth.
"Look, honey," my mother said, wrapping her hand around mine. "This is a good thing. You cannot go unmarried forever."
Startled, my gaze dropped from the sky. "Unmarried?" I glanced around and lowered my voice when a few heads turned our way. I grimaced, but to my father, I asked, "I didn't get promoted because I am unmarried?"
My parents exchanged glances, and my mother shrugged.
"It is more complicated than that, Dani," my father said, sighing—I was so sick of his sighs. "But yes, in layman’s terms, your marital status does play a part in why Captain Torian was picked over you."
I threw my hands in the air, aghast. "Unbelievable!"
"Dani, you're a strong leader, and you will be a great major and even general one day."
His hands fell onto my shoulders. It was supposed to be grounding, reassuring, but the once comforting touch only reminded me that I remained in the same place as I started. What once felt within my grasp suddenly felt miles away.
My father's hand tightened around my shoulders. "General Walen is retiring in five months, which means roles will be shifting again. Perhaps if you show the others that you have a life outside of the military, you could sway their decision."
"Oh, that's a fantastic idea, Menides!" My mother clapped, grabbing my arm. "I know of so many young men who would be wonderful partners for you, Danisinia."
"Excuse me?" I spat, almost choking on the words.
"You know, suitors? Potential husbands?"
My expression flattened. "I know what a partner is, Mother."
With a soft huff, my mother tossed a hand in the air. "Well, you never know. The only real partners you have had are your squad members. Your father is right. It's time for you to settle down. Make a family like your brothers. Sawyer and his wife, Ambrosia, are on their second child already. Even Xander and Vera are happily married. Soon enough, my next grandson or granddaughter will be on the way soon." My mother grabbed my father's arm, shaking it. "Oh, Menides, wasn't their wedding two summers ago beautiful? And so young, too! Just imagine another wedding! Our final one. It's making me emotional even thinking about it."
I stared at my father with fear in my eyes. "Father."
He scrunched his face, his gaze darting between us. "Sorinia, Dani doesn't need?—"
"Nonsense," my mother waved a hand in the air. "I've been meaning to have this conversation with you for a while, Danisinia. It is time we think about your future."
"Mother, I don't think?—"
"I know. You haven't had time to think about possible suitors with all this training, but do not fret. Sawyer married Ambrosia only after ten months; Xander, only eight. What is five months? I'll talk to some of my friends tonight at the ball. See if we can find you a nice boy, one with good standing." She tapped my arm. "Don't you worry, dear. I have it handled."
"Handled?" My voice went up an octave.
I glanced at my father, pleading for him to help me, but he only gave me an apologetic grimace. We both knew that once Sorinia Ferrios had a plan, there was no changing her mind.
I was downright screwed.
And not in the way I preferred.
Chapter 3