Page 79 of Stir
Dad smirks, crossing his arms across his chest. He lives for moments like this, where he’s the only one in the room with the information somebody else wants. “He called me yesterday. Didn’t I tell you?”
“Why is he in Atlanta?”
Dad shrugs. “He said he’s pursuing a lead with some contacts down there. Personally, I think there’s a girl, but whatever. Good for him. Getting out of town is good for him, I say.”
“How long has he been there?”
“Couple of weeks,” he shrugs again. “Maybe a month.”
That suspicious rental car was only leased maybe three weeks ago, Rand had said.
“Has he been back in town since?”
Mother and Dad speak at the same time.
Dad and I turn to look at her. She raises her head ever so slightly, staring at the wall across the room rather than making eye contact with either of us.
“He came to see me maybe two weeks ago. We were supposed to have dinner that Friday night, but he had to cancel at the last minute. He said something came up in the city, and he had to drive back straight away.”
Two weeks ago, Friday. The night of the break-in.
“I have to go.”
“Stop right now. We’re not finished here!”
I stop walking, turning to face my father one more time.
“This conversation is finished. I will not do what you want me to do, and I have no illusions that I can persuade you to understand my position. There is no point in arguing any further.”
He snorts derisively. “And you call yourself a lawyer.”
I shake my head. “Make all the jokes you want. I’m sure you will. I’m not changing my mind on this. Natalie and Finn are a part of my life now. I am not ashamed of them.”
“You should be.”
My mother makes a weak sound, and I can’t stand it anymore. “How do you live with this?” I ask her. “How can you stand it? The whole world knows what he does, but you stay here anyway. How?”
Her mouth tightens, her jaw clenching.
“What are you going on about, boy? Leave your mother out of this!”
I turn to him. “I’m in love with Finn and Natalie. What was your excuse? All those secretaries and personal assistants, and God only knows who else over the years.”
“Shut your damn mouth right this instant,” he yells. “Don’t repeat that filthy gossip in my house.”
I shake my head. My mother still hasn’t spoken.
“I’m sorry, Mother. Truly, I am. You know how to find me if you want to talk.”
I leave before I can hurt her any further. Maybe she’s used to it, but I won’t be the one dealing the blow, not if I can help it.
I’m on the phone before I get my car out of the driveway. Rand rings straight through to voicemail.