Page 10 of Savage Desires
She tsks. "You know you love me."
"As much as I love bamboo shoots shoved under my toenails."
"So dramatic. See you next weekend!" she says brightly before disconnecting the call.
A few seconds later, my phone chimes with a new text message. I open it and find a picture of an invitation to Iris's party with a calendar invitation to add the event to my calendar with a reminder alert. I chuckle at Rose's persistence. I click the link and add the event to my calendar. I've just put my phone in my pocket when I hear my friend groan.
Finally, now I can have some fun.
It takes another ten minutes for Todd to come around. Watching them come awake and figure out they can't move always amuses me. You can see the moment they realize they are completely fucked, and it's such a sweet, sweet moment. Todd does the same thing they all do, struggle. He fruitlessly pulls at the ropes on his arms and legs until he's panting.
"I'm so glad you're finally conscious. I was getting bored waiting," I say, drawing Todd's frantic eyes to where I'm standing.
"Why am I here? I told you what I know!"
"You're here because I want you to be. You'll have to forgive me if I don't trust that you told me everything. But you will," I say with a feral grin.
"Let me go! Do you have any idea who my father is?!"
I laugh. "I know who dear old dad is, and I'm not worried about him."
"You should be! He has connections…"
"You should save your breath for your confession because unless your dad's connection is the Devil himself, nothing is going to save you."
I pick up a pair of scissors and slowly walk towards Todd. His eyes are wide and fearful as he takes in the scissors I'm holding. I open and close them menacingly close to his face, making him flinch and me laugh.
"W-what are you going to do?"
"Don't worry. This won't hurt a bit," I say.
I cut his shirt off, leaving it in tatters on the floor. He's breathing heavily when I stand back to observe my newly exposed canvas. His skin is pale and free of tattoos. It'll mark up beautifully under my blade. I put the scissors down and grab the pliers. I hold them up for him to see.
“Now, this… this is going to hurt…”
Todd screams when I snap the bones in his pinkie finger. I make sure the damage is so extensive that if he were to survive beyond tonight, there is no way they could be repaired. I don't stop until all five fingers are crippled on his left hand. He's sobbing and begging me to stop. I stick the pliers in my back pocket and lean against the wall to wait for Todd to stop wailing like a little bitch. It takes a long time for him to calm down enough for me to question.
"Who is selling the girls at Mecca?"
His eyes flash with fear at my question. Odd, because he already volunteered information about how to buy a night with one of the club girls. I raise my brow and tilt my head as I consider what I've learned already.
Mecca is being used to launder money. Significant sums of money. I assumed it was from the prostitution ring they are running in the club, but what if it's more? What if the prostitution ring is only one part of the business?
"Tell me who's selling girls."
"I-I don't know…"
"Wrong answer."
I crush the fingers of his right hand slowly. This time, he passes out from the pain. Jesus, does anyone have a decent pain threshold anymore? I turn on the hose and spray Todd with cold water until he sputters awake. I don't have the patience to wait.
"Who. Is. Selling. Girls?"
"They'll kill me!"
I laugh. "You don't have to worry about them killing you because that's going to be my pleasure. Your only option is to decide how painfully you die. I can keep you down here for days cutting off little pieces, or you can tell me everything, and I'll make it quick."
I don't clarify that it's still going to be painful. But I consider a couple hours of pain quick in comparison to days.