Page 45 of Savage Desires
Kisten looks at me often throughout the conversation. I can tell he's waiting for me to ask something or tell him my thoughts, but I stay silent. I don't want any of the three options he presented. I want option four. I want him to keep me. I want to help tear down the people who own Mecca piece by piece, along with whoever runs the mansion and the auctions. I want vengeance, not the peaceful future he's painting for everyone else.
By the end of the conversation, Tabitha, Lexis, and Reghan have all decided to go to one of the Hope House locations. Gladys is going to help them choose which one they want to start their new lives at. Lucy wants to go home to L.A., where her dad is some hotshot talent agent. Stacia reluctantly says she'll go to Hope House when she realizes that Lucy isn't taking her back to L.A. with her.
Everyone focuses their attention on me, waiting for my choice. I look up at Kisten with searching eyes. His dark eyes are guarded as he waits for me to voice my decision. I lick my lips nervously, wondering if I should talk to him in front of everyone or in private. A devilish little part of me wants to stake a claim on him in front of the others. I definitely don't want to tell him everything in front of them. It'll be a fight to get what I want.
"Can I think about it?" I ask, deciding that a private conversation is the best option.
"Of course," he says.
I swear I see relief in his eyes that I asked for more time. Is it possible that he wants to keep me? That's too much to hope for. He's already given me more than I ever anticipated when he helped us escape. He's not just freeing us. He's offering an entire future of our choosing. It's a dream come true for anyone in my position. A miracle.
Gladys comes in with a thick binder. "So, who wants to pick their new home?" she asks with an almost giddy excitement.
The women that are going to Hope House follow her into the living room eagerly. I'm happy for them. I hope they find what they are looking for and are able to heal and live happy lives. They deserve it after everything.
"When can I go home?" Lucy asks snottily.
Kisten sighs. "I'll start making arrangements today."
"I want to talk to my dad now," she says petulantly.
"And I told you we don't allow calls from anyone outside the organization from this location. If you'd like me to give you the cash in my wallet and a ride to the bus station, that can be arranged." He isn't even trying to hide his annoyance anymore.
She gets up and stomps off down the hall, probably to her room to pout.
"Is it wrong that I feel bad for her father?" I ask.
Kisten shakes his head, chuckling. "I was thinking the same thing."
"Do you get people like her often?"
"We've had a few, but most people are so grateful and happy to be somewhere safe that they don't even consider acting that way. It's why so many of the women we help end up working with us in some capacity."
Before I can tell him how amazing he is and how much a place like Hope House means to women like me, I let out a jaw-cracking yawn.
Kisten's eyes turn worried. "You need more rest. Come on, beauty."
I'm barely out of my chair before he swoops me into his arms. I don't protest. Instead, I relax into his muscular chest and let him carry me up to my room. The room is clean, with a freshly made bed. Maybe Gladys has house fairies that clean up because there is no way she's doing everything on her own. Kisten pulls the blankets down, settles me on the bed, then covers me.
"Are you leaving now?" I force myself to ask.
He looks conflicted but shakes his head. "No, Willow. I'm not going anywhere."
"Good," I say simply.
"Get some rest, beauty." He runs his fingers through my hair, then kisses my forehead before sitting in the chair.
I close my eyes and drift to sleep, knowing I'm safe with my dark knight here to protect me.
I watch Willow sleep, finding peace in knowing she feels safest with me close. I love that she trusts me. She might not feel so safe if she could see inside my mind because my thoughts aren't entirely pure. Especially after what I overheard downstairs. Knowing she'd happily get on her knees for me had my cock so hard I thought it would burst free of my pants to show her how on board I was with that plan.
I have no right to feel that way. I was already possessive of her, and now I'm nearly feral with the desire to keep her and make her mine forever. It's a struggle to push those thoughts away. I need to focus on getting the women settled in their new homes, taking down the trafficking ring, and finding Damon Savada.
It's been my goal for so long, and I don't need Willow distracting me. It would be selfish of me to follow through with any of my desires. Willow's happiness and doing what's best for her is all that matters.