Page 57 of Savage Desires
I'm not surprised when Kisten has to enter a code for the elevator to start to move. It's a quick ride to the top floor. The doors slide open straight into the foyer of an enormous penthouse. Kisten guides me out of the elevator. I'm slightly surprised by how homey it feels. There's dark furniture and a huge TV that screams bachelor pad, but the cream-colored pillows and soft-looking throw blanket are a feminine touch. It makes me wonder who added those touches to an otherwise masculine space.
"Make yourself at home, beauty," he says, kissing the top of my head before walking down a hallway with my bags.
I'm tempted to follow him, but I'm drawn to the large bookshelves on either side of the TV. There are a lot of books that all look like they've been read multiple times. The titles are primarily thrillers and horror books. Definitely fitting for Kisten. There are several picture frames and some trinkets mixed in on the shelves. I feel like I'm being nosey despite him telling me to make myself comfortable in his home, but I can't help wanting to know more about my savior.
I pick up one of the frames with a picture of a beautiful woman holding a baby. A wave of jealousy sweeps through me. What if this is Kisten's wife and child? Oh God, I'm an idiot. I never even asked if he's single… I'm teetering on the edge of a major freakout when the heat of his body lines up with my back. He moves my hair away from my shoulder and kisses my neck. A shiver runs through me as his lips stroke my sensitive skin.
"That's Rose and her daughter Iris. She's my brother's wife."
I practically sag in relief. Kisten wouldn't be touching me if he weren't single. He's a good man. He isn't like the assholes that came to the club. I hate that my go to response is doubt. I will have to work on that because Kisten doesn't deserve it.
"You'll meet them soon. Iris's birthday is in a couple weeks, and Rose will murder me if I miss it."
It scares me to think about meeting Kisten's family, but if I'm going to be a part of his life, I need to warm up to the idea.
He picks up another photo showing me the same woman with a handsome man smiling down at her on what's obviously their wedding day. He continues to show me pictures, telling me about the people in them. I'm intrigued by his brothers and their wives. He briefly mentions that his brothers help him with the trafficking rings. Slade lives in Las Vegas and does what he can to keep Sin City free of traffickers.
It makes me wonder if he shut down the men that took me. Vegas is a dangerous city, and it makes me feel better to know there's someone with the same priorities as Kisten there helping end trafficking rings.
I have respect for his brothers even though I've never met them. Kisten tells me Rose and Hannah have a lot in common with me but that it's their story to tell. I completely understand. I wouldn't want someone else telling my story. It will change how people look at me, and I don't want to deal with looks of pity or a million questions or people telling me how brave I am… all of it sounds horrible. I want no part of it.
My favorite picture is of a much younger Kisten and his brothers. Despite their younger ages, they all look hardened by life, but the affection between the three men is obvious. I eat up all the stories he tells me about his chosen family. It hurts my heart to think about how he met Matthew. I don't know the man, but I'm grateful he gave Kisten a home and a way to escape the streets.
"I've got a meeting with my team in an hour. Why don't I show you around before I go?"
"I want to go with you," I say, trying to hide my anxiety at being parted.
He sighs. "I would rather you stay here and relax. You can use your new art supplies and rest. You've been through a lot in the last several days." He tucks my hair behind my ear, his fingers trailing down my jaw tenderly.
"I don't want to hide away. I want to help," I say stubbornly.
He looks resigned like he knew that would be my answer. "Fine. You can go, but you do what I say and stay beside me the whole time. Most of the people in the organization are criminals. They have a slightly less fucked moral compass and view trafficking women as despicable."
I quickly agree, considering the whole point of me going is that I don't want to be parted from him in the first place. Besides, I'll be able to answer questions about Mecca and give them insight only I know. I'm going to make myself so invaluable that he won't ever want to leave me behind.
When we arrive, several members of my team are already at the warehouse. I don't like the thought of Willow around some of these guys. We might have the same overall goal regarding eliminating trafficking in our city, but that doesn't make them good people. Most of them are criminals with questionable morals.
They wouldn't hurt Willow—that's the one thing we all agree on—but she's gorgeous and fierce. It takes a strong woman to stand beside a man like me. She's going to appeal to these men because of that fierceness. I trust that she wants me, but I don't trust the others not to flirt and try to entice her away from me. If they do either, it will be impossible to control myself. The thought of another man even looking at my Beauty makes me murderous.
Willow looks around at the sketchy warehouse warily—not that I blame her. The outside is meant to be unappealing. We don't want people attracted to the building. It's locked down with so much security that no one off the street can wander in, but keeping it rundown on the outside means that very few people wander to this part of the neighborhood.
The inside of the warehouse is different. It's set up with space for my tech guys for when they are needed onsite. There's an area dedicated as a safe house for emergencies; it's basically a luxury apartment hiding in plain sight. We have a room for any medical situations that arise, including a sterile room for minor surgeries if required. There have been a lot of bullets removed in that room. Then there's my favorite space… the basement. It's a playground for anyone who enjoys inflicting pain. It has several cells and various rooms for… interrogation.
"This place is creepy," Willow whispers as if some monster is waiting to jump out at her at the slightest sound.
"It keeps people from being nosey. Inside is better. Come on."
She holds onto me as we enter the warehouse. I love that she clings to me. It'll let everyone know right from the start that she's mine. She scrunches up her nose when we walk inside. The front room of the warehouse is as decrepit as the outside. It's a holdover from the business office of the company that owned the property before it went bankrupt. I pull her through to another door, entering the security code to access the main space.
Willow gasps in surprise when she steps into the large space. Considering everything else she's seen of the warehouse, I can understand her shock. Her eyes move around the large space, trying to take it all in. The room we've entered is more like an open-concept living room, dining room, and kitchen combo.
"See, not so scary," I murmur, teasing her a little.
She jabs me with her elbow and gives me what's supposed to be an angry look but is just adorable. I don't dare tell her that, though. I like my balls right where they are, even if they have been blue since I met her. I wrap my arm around her, pulling her closer to my side. She willingly leans into my hold, making me feel ten feet tall.