Page 68 of Savage Desires
I get the guns lined up in front of me while he messes with one of the target papers. He sends the target back down the lane further away this time, so it's maybe fifteen yards away. That's not the only change. Instead of just having the silhouette of a man, several circles are drawn on the paper over the groin, heart, throat, and forehead, and two circles that are barely more than dots on either side of the head.
Obviously, Kisten isn't going to chance that I'm just having beginner's luck. He wants to make sure I'm actually a freaky good natural. I really hope I'm a natural. It would be so amazing to know that I'm not going to be a liability on Saturday. If I can shoot accurately, I can keep myself safe and protect others.
Fingers crossed.
I pick up the next gun, click off the safety, and aim.
Here goes nothing.
This gun has more recoil and throws me off my second shot, making me frown. I still hit the circle I aimed at, but not dead center. It's at least an inch to the left. Disappointing. I'm able to compensate for the third shot. I hit the groin, and then throat perfectly. I pause, looking at the small circles. There's no room for error… there's a malevolent voice whispering to me that it's impossible and I'll never hit it. I internally scream at that negative voice.
Fuck that.
I will not succumb to that voice. I've danced with it off and on for years. It's easy to listen and internalize the negativity, but my dad didn't raise me to give in to bullies, even if that bully is my own mind.
I take a breath, pull the trigger… once… twice…
I let out a squeal and bounce on my toes. "I did it!"
"You did great," he says with a proud smile.
Kisten takes the gun from my hand and sets it down, then pulls me in for a deep kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him feverishly. He grips my hair in one hand and my ass in the other, holding me right where he wants me. My pussy is soaked in no time. How does this man get me hot so fast? It doesn't seem possible.
He pulls away with a groan. "If there weren't cameras all over this place, I would bend you over and fuck you right here. Maybe see how well your aim is while I'm balls deep fucking your tight pussy."
My pussy clenches at the picture he's painting for me. It's insane, yet I want to do it. I'm sure I wouldn't hit a damn thing, but feeling the power of holding a deadly weapon in my hand while Kisten fucks me into oblivion sounds like a lot of fun.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you, beauty?"
I lick my lips and nod.
"Another time. You have more toys to play with."
I pout. "I'd rather play with something else."
"I'll make it worth the wait, love."
He puts up another target, and I pick up a different gun. Thirty minutes later, I've made my way through eight different handguns. I set down the revolver with a frown.
"I don't like that one."
"Not one I'd want you to carry, but good to know how to use and load because some dumbasses think they look badass, so they carry them even if they aren't practical in the least."
"So it's like the dudes who drive huge trucks to compensate for small dicks, only with guns?"
Kisten laughs. "Pretty much. Which of those did you prefer?"
"The Glock 43X was my favorite. It fits nicely in my hand and has minimal recoil. I was most accurate with it, too."
"Love, you were accurate with all of them."
I roll my eyes. "I wasn't dead center with all of them. Especially the revolver…"
"You do realize you were hitting targets the size of a quarter from twenty yards away… being half an inch to the left or right of dead center is still within accuracy."
I shrug. "I'm a perfectionist. No sense in doing something if you aren't going to do it well."
"Let's pack these up and move on to shotguns and rifles."