Page 72 of Savage Desires
"Muscles don't equal strength, and you know that."
She nods. "You're right. I still want my body to be as strong as I am inside."
"Then we better get started."
Willow does better than I expected. She runs three miles before starting to tire out. I don't let her push herself further because she needs to work on her hand-to-hand fighting. I toss her a water bottle, and she drains it.
"You ready to show me your moves?" I ask teasingly.
"Hell, yes!"
"Let me grab you some gloves."
She turns her nose up in disgust. "Just tape. Gloves are for pussies."
I smirk at her sass. "I don't want you breaking your hand."
She laughs a full-bodied laugh that has the entire gym turning to look at her. "You're cute. I assure you I won't break my hand. I know how to throw a punch."
I find some pink tape that is almost the same shade as her outfit. She smiles happily as I help wrap her hands, taking care to make sure they are wrapped well.
"Thanks," she says, kissing my cheek. She hits her fists together and smirks. "Ready to get your ass kicked by a little girl?"
I chuckle. "I can't wait to get your hands all over me, beauty."
Willow bounces on her toes as she studies me. I can see the gears spinning in her head. She's not intimidated by my size in the least. She won't cower even though she knows I could take her down easily. She's going to give it her all. Even though I won't hurt her, I'm not going to go easy on her, either. This is a life-or-death situation, and I won't fail her by treating her like a fragile flower.
"You going to fight or just look at me?" I goad.
A little flash of annoyance fills her eyes before it's replaced by determination. She circles me, starting the dance. She darts forward and lands a hit on my abs before dodging out of my reach. I'm impressed. She's fast even though she's out of practice. Her hit was solid, and if I weren't a big motherfucker, it probably would've hurt like hell.
She's back to dancing around me. I don't give her a chance to come at me again; I throw a punch straight to her face. She ducks right before I connect and kicks my knee as she spins out of my reach. I stumble from the hit, and she smirks. She's damn good, and she knows it. The night of the auction, she was fierce but was weak and fought with desperation, not skill.
From there, we exchange punches and kicks, and I land a solid hit on her stomach that has her fold over. I'm not coming at her with full strength, but it's a hard hit, even at half-strength. I move to take advantage of her weakened state because, in a real fight, the other person won't wait for you to catch your breath. I'm not expecting her to burst out of her folded stance as soon as I'm close, which is how she lands a perfect uppercut followed by a kick to my knee that has me crashing to the mat like a felled tree.
I'm stunned by what just happened. Willow stands over me with a broad smile that splits her face. When she sees me frowning, her smile falls.
"Did I hurt you?" she asks, looking me over.
I grip her hips and tug her down on top of me so she's straddling my stomach. She lets out a squeak of surprise that turns into a low moan when her pussy comes in contact with my hard abs. Her taped hands come down on my chest. She looks perfect, perched on top of me, covered in sweat. I wish she was sweating like this from riding my cock like a good little girl.
I grab the front of her top and pull her down until her lips hover over mine. "Kiss me," I command.
She hesitates for a breath, then her perfect lips are on mine. I let her lead the kiss, even though we both know I'm in charge. She's leading only at my whim. I could take control at any second, and she'd submit because she's mine to do with as I please. After last night, she understands better now than when she insisted I own her because I bought her, even if it was to save her.
"So I didn't hurt you?" she whispers against my lips.
"Not even a little, beauty."
"Then are you ready for me to kick your ass again?" she asks, hopping up before I can catch her.
I let out a playful growl and pounce. We switch from sparring to her hitting pads while I coach her on her form. Like most women, her power is in her legs. She's got a solid punch and will do some damage, but if she's up against big guys like me, her weaker upper body won't last in a drawn-out fight. She needs to disable attackers fast and efficiently. A few well-placed kicks will go a lot further than a punching match.
When I call it quits for the day, a group of women and men are standing ringside watching. They started watching after Willow took me down the first time. Yes, she took me down a second time. The vixen attacked with some seriously advanced martial arts moves that I wasn't prepared for, then jumped on my back when I was already off-center, taking me down to the mat where she wrapped her thighs around my neck. Can't say I was too upset about having her sweet pussy in my face as she squeezed me into submission.
She's impressive. Makes me even more interested in her father. I can't wait to meet the man who taught his daughter to fight like a warrior. I can see how she fought against men before she was taken. I learned my lesson on second-guessing her, even knowing she was trained. I just didn't realize how fucking well.