Page 84 of Savage Desires
“Just a coincidence that your name’s Bear because I was thinking you’re probably a big teddy bear under all that bigness.”
Davis laughs. “He’s a total teddy bear to the ladies. Anyone else and he’s a violent son of a bitch.”
I smile. “Good. We need some violent son of a bitches on our team.”
Bear winks at me and takes a seat on the sectional making it look way smaller than it is.
Sissy and Chante show up next, they freeze in the doorway and take in all the muscle.
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Please tell me at least one of you is single,” Chante says, fanning herself.
I choke on a laugh when Bear raises his hand. Chante looks at him appraisingly, then gives a single nod. I can’t wait to see what happens with that. After her stumpy pencil dick guy, she deserves better. It would be a real shame if Bear isn’t packing down there. I somehow manage to keep from looking at his crotch to gauge if he’s proportionate.
Shawn and his guys are the last to show up. They are all dressed the same in all black. Black shirt that looks painted to their muscles, military style black pants, and black books. They look like a well-oiled machine. It’s obvious they’re all ex-military even without the close. There’s just something about the way military guys carry themselves.
“Willow, this is Hank, Tex, Smith, and Bomber. You’ll meet Goose later; he’s watching the warehouse. These are the guys that’ll have your six tonight.”
My new biker friends grumble their displeasure. Shawn looks them over but says nothing. I have a suspicion that I’ll have at least one of my new biker buddies at my side too. The more the merrier on this little adventure.
“Any problems at the warehouse?” Kisten asks.
Shawn nods. “Yeah, there’re four guys watching it. They’ve been there all day and are doing a shit job of staying under the radar. If they’re part of the Irish, they are low level and poorly trained. Goose could’ve killed them ten times over by now and they wouldn’t have seen it coming. Pathetic.”
“That could mean it’s Nolan working on his own. Seamus wouldn’t send idiots to do such an important job,” Kisten says.
“Possibly. I’d prefer we go into this with the expectation that the Irish are against us,” Shawn replies.
“I have an idea for that,” Jett says with a smile. “The Italians here in the city are less than happy with the Irish right now—Nolan specifically. They’ve made it known they’d be happy to help us collect them before they infiltrate the mansion and hold them for safekeeping to question later. They only request that they get Nolan as payment.”
Kisten looks at me. Nolan is one of the men that hurt me, and he knows that his death is personal to me. I kiss his cheek in thanks for taking my wants into consideration.
“If we let them have Nolan, I want a guarantee that his death will be slow and painful. Bonus points if they chop off his dick and shove it down his throat so he can choke on it as the grand finale. And I want photographic evidence that he’s been dealt with. He’s not allowed to survive,” I say. Every single man in the room winces when I mention cutting off his dick. It amuses me.
“Damn, girl. Savage. I like it,” Chante says making the other girls laugh.
“I’m sure that can be arranged,” Jett says.
“Then we have a deal.”
He nods and pulls out his phone and starts typing. Likely telling the local Italians that they’re a go for tonight. It would be a big help if they took the Irish off the board before we start, but I’m not going to rely on that because even well-laid plans fail.
The next two hours are spent going over the plan. Me, Kisten, Cutter, Zeke, Shawn, and his team will be going to Mecca. Along with the men in the original plan that we aren’t sure are on our side. Sissy and her team as well as Doc will be ready to collect the women we rescue and take them to safety.
Jett and his sentries along with however many local Italians will be going to the mansion where the Irish are set to go based on the original plan. Davis will be going to the mansion as planned. T.J. is going to play like he decided he doesn’t want to sit this one out and Rat and Deuce are joining so there won’t be questions when he shows up. Several of the others from the meeting yesterday will be heading to the mansion too. Since we aren’t sure about their loyalties we aren’t counting on them as allies.
Gunner, Duke, Cash, Joker, Trevor, and Blaze will be on standby to enter the mansion once the Irish are dealt with and they hopefully know who is against us. They’ll be able to clean up the traitors from behind. Mauve, Chante, and Bear will be nearby with a team to get the women from the mansion to safety.
We have a solid plan. Even going into it with an unknown number of traitors and who knows how many Russians we have a good chance of success. I hope we can get all of the women out safely. I look around at all the men and women who are prepared to go into a deadly fight and say a little prayer that we all make it home safely.
Everyone breaks off into groups and are chatting. There’s laughter and teasing. The calm before the storm. I’m still in Kisten’s lap. He’s playing with my hair as he talks with Shawn about sniper training. Tex laughs when he hears that I want to learn how to shoot a sniper rifle. The other guys don’t laugh, but I can see doubt in their eyes when Kisten and Shawn tell them about my accuracy.
I hate that they doubt me, but I can understand. It’s not every day you meet an ex-sex slave that’s been free less than a week and learned to shoot a gun three days ago and is on the level of an expert marksman with handguns and short distance rifles and shotguns.
I look around the room and find T.J. talking to Gunner. “Hey T.J.!” I shout above the din of voices.
Every head in the room turns towards me. Guess my quietness has worn out now that I’m feeling comfortable with everyone… maybe not Rat and Deuce, they are still sketchy as fuck.
“What’s up, L.M.S.?” I give him a confused look, then giggle—L.M.S: Little Miss Sharpshooter.