Page 106 of Last Chance
“You got it, Sawyer.”
While Janie talked to her brother, Sawyer unzipped the backpack and pulled out his gear. As fast as possible, he set up a small surveillance camera in a place that gave them a view of the room and David. Next, he set up a listening device to catch anything being said in the room.
After testing the equipment, he sent the link to Chris and stepped outside the room to talk to the bodyguard. “Get it?” he murmured.
“Yep. Clear picture and sound.”
“Make sure the guard on the next shift also has the link before you clock out.”
“Copy that.”
“Any change in David’s condition?”
“None that I’ve seen.”
“His wife will arrive in a few hours.” Sawyer sent Chris a picture of Maria Moran. “She has family ties to Vatos Locos.”
A grim expression settled on Chris’s face. “I’ll be on the lookout for her. Will she be traveling with family?”
“I don’t know.” And he should have checked. “I’ll find out and let you know.”
“Appreciate it.”
Sawyer returned to the room. Janie was still standing by her brother’s bedside, whispering to him about her store and the fresh scents she planned to incorporate into her stock of soap, body butter, and bath salts.
“You need to wake up and tell me what you think about the scents, David. I’m not sure if my male customers will appreciate them. I could use some advice from you.”
No response.
Sawyer sent a message to Simone, asking for an update on Maria and the possibility of her traveling with family members.
He received a response less than two minutes later. Not the response he wanted to see.
Janie’s voice drew his attention from the screen to her face. “What is it?”
“You tell me. You look unhappy. Bad news?”
No use trying to hide the facts. Janie would find out in a few hours, anyway. “Your sister-in-law is traveling to the US with one brother and a cousin. Both are members of Vatos Locos.”
Alarms went off. Jesse barreled into the room seconds ahead of the nurses.
Janie’s eyes widened. “David?”
Jesse signaled Sawyer to get Janie out of the room. He followed them into the corridor.
“What’s going on?” Janie demanded. “Why did David’s alarms go off?”
“His blood pressure skyrocketed into the stratosphere. Did he show he had risen to consciousness?”
Janie shook her head. “I talked to my brother the entire time Sawyer was setting up the surveillance equipment. There was no change.”
Jesse frowned. “What did you say just before the alarms went off?”
“Sawyer told me Maria is traveling to the US with her brother and cousin. They’re members of Vatos Locos.”
A soft whistle from the medic. “David might have heard what Sawyer told you. It’s possible the news upset him.”