Page 110 of Last Chance
“You’re into plants?”
“Working in my garden at home helps me throw off the day’s stress and worry.”
He squeezed her hand. “I’m glad you found something that works for you.”
“What helps you get rid of stress?”
“Running and working out with a teammate during the daytime. At night, I read.”
“What do you read?”
Yeah, she would have to ask that question. His teammates knew of his obsession. None of the women he’d dated over the years cared enough to ask. More confirmation that Janie was the only woman for him. “Westerns and fantasy.” His cheeks burned at the admission.
“My father loved reading them and watching any cowboy movie or television series. I enjoy watching them myself although I don’t read them. Do you take a book with you on missions?” Janie asked as she continued along the path.
“I always travel with two books. So do the rest of my teammates. Sometimes we have a chance to read. Most of the time, the missions are fast and furious and my only chance to read is on the jet.”
She asked more questions about the reading habits of his teammates, seeming to enjoy the variety of reading tastes among the Texas Team.
Sawyer pivoted and stepped in front of Janie as a dark-haired woman and two other men came toward them at a fast clip.
“It’s Maria,” Janie said and stepped out from behind the shelter of Sawyer’s body.
Sawyer refrained from hauling her back behind him. Barely. One glance told him the two men with Maria were armed with more than one weapon. How had they scored weapons that quickly?
David’s wife hugged Janie. “What happened to David? Why is he in the hospital?”
“The doctor didn’t tell you?”
Maria shook her head. “He said David was in the hospital in critical condition, but didn’t give me details. Of course, I had to come immediately.”
“Do you feel all right?” Janie asked as Maria swayed on her feet. “Do you need to sit down?”
“I need answers to my questions,” the other woman snapped. “What happened to my husband? What did you get him involved in?”
SAWYER STRAIGHTENED AT the venom in Maria’s voice. Where were these accusations coming from? Janie was as much a victim as her brother. Why would Maria blame Janie for David’s condition? “We should sit down somewhere more private to discuss this.”
Maria rounded on him, anger snapping in her eyes. “Who are you?”
“Sawyer.” He inclined his head toward Janie. “I’m hers.”
David’s wife snorted. “Her what? Lapdog?”
Janie gasped. “I know you’re upset, Maria, but there’s no reason to take your anger and fear out on Sawyer.”
“Who is he to you?” the other woman insisted.
“The man I’m going to marry.”
Maria stared. “You never mentioned a boyfriend, much less an engagement when you were in Chile.”
“You and I were getting acquainted, and I was trying to mend the relationship between me and David. You took me sightseeing and to your favorite restaurants, as well as to meet some of your family members. Plus, we shopped for baby items. We were constantly busy. I would have told you and David about Sawyer when we talked on the phone after I was home. The hijacking and the aftermath prevented me from contacting you.”
“David said you weren’t involved with anyone, Janie. That’s why he was so upset when you were taken hostage on the plane. He didn’t think you had anyone to advocate for you.”