Page 113 of Last Chance
“He’ll think I abandoned him. How will I know his condition? Maria will forbid the nursing staff from giving me updates on the phone as well.” Tears glimmered in her eyes.
Jesse rested his hand on her shoulder. “You’ll know, even if we have to ask Simone to help with information retrieval.”
Frustrated that he couldn’t fix the problem for her, Sawyer brought Janie’s hand to his mouth and kissed her fingers. “I’m sorry, Janie.”
“So am I. I thought Maria and I were friends.”
Sawyer’s phone signaled an incoming message. Although tempted to ignore it, he checked the screen and scowled.
The medic eased closer and lowered his voice. “What?”
“Z is picking up increased chatter from the gang about a VIP in Hartman.”
Jesse’s brows knitted. “One of Maria’s bodyguards?”
He shook his head. “I don’t think so. They’re muscle, not leaders.” And that worried him. Who else would come to Hartman from the Vatos Locos organization and would that person escalate the danger to Janie and possibly David?
“Your services are no longer required. You’re dismissed.” Maria’s voice drifted into the waiting room.
Sawyer, Janie, and Jesse entered the hall. Maria was speaking to the Fortress bodyguard.
“I’m sorry, ma’am. I have orders.”
Her face reddened. “David is my husband. I have my own guards to watch over him. I don’t know you. Leave or I’ll have you removed from this hospital.”
Sawyer caught Chris’s eye and signaled for him to stand down.
Maria swung around to glare at the three of them. “You’re not needed here.”
“We reserved a suite for you and your men,” Sawyer said and handed her his card with the name of the hotel near the hospital written on the back. “The staff is expecting you and promised to take good care of you.”
She stared at him, eyes widening. “You made reservations for me?”
He inclined his head.
“Why would you do that?”
“You’re part of Janie’s family, and family is important to us both.”
“I see,” she murmured. “Perhaps I underestimated you, Sawyer.”
His eyebrows rose at the word choice. A translation issue? English wasn’t Maria’s first language.
Tall Man stepped in front of Maria and folded his arms across his chest. “Go now. Mrs. Moran doesn’t need you here while she sits by her husband’s side.”
“What if you need something, Maria?” Janie asked. “I’d like to stay to help.”
“I’ll be fine. Please, go.” Maria motioned to Short Man. “My brother will take care of anything I need.”
Tall Man moved a step closer. “Go or we’ll have security remove you.”
Maria rested her hand on the man’s arm. “No need for threats. Janie has a successful business to run. She is busy.” To Janie, she said, “I’ll call if there’s a change in David’s condition. For now, I need to be alone. Please.”
Janie gripped Sawyer’s hand tighter. “I don’t have my phone. I was forced to leave it behind on the plane.”
Sawyer squeezed her hand tight. Although Janie now had a satellite phone, he didn’t want Maria or her men to have the number.
“You must have another number where I can contact you.”