Page 123 of Last Chance
“Simone hacked into hospital records an hour ago,” Brody said. “He’s in the security room.”
She eased away from Sawyer and turned toward the hall. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
As soon as she was out of earshot, Brody turned to Sawyer. “What was that?”
“The kiss?”
“Don’t play dumb, Chapman. Are you wanting to be kicked off her security detail?”
“We’re getting married as soon as possible. Whether or not I’m on her detail, I won’t leave her side. End of story.”
“Does the boss know this?”
“He does. If I can’t keep my head in the game, he’ll replace me.” He folded his arms across his chest. “Don’t tell me you would have done anything different. We all saw how protective and territorial you were with Sage. You didn’t give control of her security detail to someone else.”
“I had a history with Sage,” Brody snapped. “We had years to build a relationship. You’ve had days.”
“Janie is mine to protect, Brody. I love her more than I thought possible in such a short time. Don’t ask me to step aside. I won’t do it, even if it means resigning from Fortress.”
His team leader hissed out a breath. “Do not get distracted. You hear me? I don’t want to make a call to your mother and brothers to tell them you’re dead.”
“I’ll stay alert. I have a lifetime of plans with Janie.”
“You have to stay alive to fulfill the plans.”
Janie returned to the kitchen, her expression troubled.
“What did Jesse say?” Sawyer asked.
“They’re seeing signs he’s coming around. But they still don’t have any idea how much damage has been done. Worse, I won’t be allowed to see him. What if he thinks I’ve abandoned him?”
He wrapped his arms around her. “I’m sorry, Janie. Fortress has access to the best medical professionals in the business. As long as David is in the US, he’ll have the best medical care we can provide.”
“He has good insurance.”
“Excellent. Between the insurance and Fortress, he’ll have everything he needs to recover as much as possible. Hopefully, your sister-in-law will change her mind about allowing you to visit soon.”
Sawyer released her and turned to pour her tea into the travel mug. Hopefully, his girl would find the taste soothing.
“Where did you get these pictures?” Janie asked, shock on her face.
He turned to see Janie staring at the computer screen. “I copied them from Maria’s social media posts. Do you recognize Mystery Man?”
She turned to him, her face white. “He’s the missing hostage.”
“ARE YOU SURE?” Sawyer joined Janie at the breakfast bar in front of his computer. How did she recognize her missing fellow hostage from the photos?
“Positive. Who is he?”
Brody answered the question. “Logan’s contacts came through on the identification of the passenger. His name is Diego Hernandez, the leader of Vatos Locos.”
A ball of ice formed in Sawyer’s stomach. Not the confirmation he wanted to hear. “Sweetheart, how do you know this is the missing hostage? I couldn’t find a picture of this man’s face anywhere on your sister-in-law’s social media posts.”
Janie pointed to something on the man’s hand. “The signet ring. I recognized it, as well as the scar on the back of his neck.”
Sawyer took the photo Janie indicated and dumped it into a Fortress program to clean up and enhance the picture. A minute later, he turned the screen around for her to study the shot again. “Take your time. Do you recognize him from the plane?”