Page 126 of Last Chance
Janie laughed. “Would you like to see the store itself? If you see anything you’d like to try, I’ll be glad to give you samples.”
Maria smiled. “I don’t need samples. I already know exactly what I want.”
“Come with me.” Janie led Maria into the front of the store.
Sawyer followed them, his uneasiness growing. He glanced at Jesse and signaled him to be on alert.
The medic dropped back so he could watch the two bodyguards as they followed Sawyer and the women into the store.
As Janie and Maria walked around the store, Matias Reyes eased up beside Sawyer. He snorted. “Women,” he muttered. “Always wanting more bath stuff. I don’t understand it.”
“Janie’s products are natural, and she has a large customer base.”
Maria’s brother looked at Sawyer. “You don’t mind your woman working?”
He frowned. “Why should I? This isn’t the Dark Ages, and she loves the work.”
“My woman doesn’t work. She stays at home where she belongs.” A careful look at Sawyer. “I make plenty of money so she doesn’t have to provide for me.”
Why was this guy trying to get a rise out of him? He glanced over his shoulder to see Lorenzo, Maria’s cousin, had drawn Jesse into a conversation near the doorway to the workroom.
“Matias,” Maria called. “Come here. See what you think of this scent.”
Despite his muttered curse, the brother crossed to Janie’s side to sniff the contents of a jar.
Sawyer walked closer.
Matias shoved the jar away. “No,” he snapped. “Too strong for real men.” He glanced at Sawyer. “Perhaps Janie’s man doesn’t agree.” He motioned Sawyer over. “Come. Sniff this and tell us your opinion.”
Something was off here. “Pass. Janie, come here, baby.”
Maria reached into her purse as Janie started toward him. She pulled out a gun and pointed it at Sawyer as Matias wrapped his arm around Janie’s neck and yanked her against his chest, a gun pressed against her temple.
Janie gasped and tried to pull Matias’s arm away from her neck without success.
Sawyer’s gun was in his hand and pointed at Matias in a split second. “Let her go,” he snapped.
Matias pressed the muzzle harder against Janie’s temple. Blood trickled down the side of her face. “You can shoot me. If you do, your woman will die. My weapon has a hair trigger. A bit more pressure, and I will blow a hole in her pretty head.”
“Put down your gun, Sawyer,” Maria ordered. “Do it now or Janie and your medic friend die.”
No response.
The barrel of a gun pressed against the back of Sawyer’s neck. “Drop your gun. Your friend is unconscious and can’t save you. If you fight us, he dies. Choose.”
“Put down your gun, Sawyer,” Maria repeated.
“Maria, why are you doing this?” Janie asked. “What did I ever do to you?”
“Shut up. No one asked you to speak,” Matias said. “Your man hasn’t taught you how to act properly.” He smirked. “Perhaps because he isn’t one. No matter. I’ll be glad to teach you.” Matias gave a slight nod.
Sawyer started to turn, but he wasn’t fast enough. Pain exploded at the back of his head, and the world went dark.
“NO!” JANIE LUNGED away from Matias, only to have him yank her back against his body. “Sawyer!”