Page 140 of Last Chance
Janie laughed. “I think he’ll be in jail.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t get to him,” he muttered, glaring again at the unconscious man.
“I don’t want to visit my husband in jail. You hear me?”
Laughter from the Fortress operatives sounded over Sawyer’s comm device. He brushed his mouth over hers, light as a feather. What he wouldn’t give to take the kiss he wanted so badly. Soon, he consoled himself. When Janie’s mouth was healed. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Let’s finish this business and get out of here,” Brody said. “All the alphabet agencies and local cops will be here in a few minutes. Jesse, check Janie while we tie up the garbage.”
“Copy,” operatives from both teams replied.
Jesse emerged from the trees with his mike bag and knelt by Janie’s side. “Let me check you for injuries, then we’ll get out of here, all right?”
“I hope you have cold packs in your bag.”
“Restocked everything after we flew in from Mexico.” He winked at her. “I have you covered, sugar.”
“Thank goodness.”
Sawyer wrapped his hand around Janie’s and waited in silence while the medic checked her for injuries.
His throat tightened and his eyes burned. What if she had internal injuries? He should have the helo pilot take them straight to a hospital. If he did, though, Sawyer bet the medical staff would report her injuries to the authorities, and he’d be the prime suspect in her assault. They’d separate him from her.
Not happening. He was never leaving her side again if he could help it.
Two minutes later, Jesse sat back on his heels. “I’m seeing multiple bruises and those scratches on your wrists. Janie, we’re going to ask you a few questions and we need you to answer them with complete honesty, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel. Got it?”
Her hand tightened around Sawyer’s. “All right. What do you want to know?”
Sawyer knew what was coming. He hadn’t allowed himself to dwell on the possibility, but the time for denial was over. Whether or not the worst had happened, nothing would change how he felt about this woman. “Look at me, sweetheart.”
Her gaze locked on his. “What is it, Sawyer? What’s wrong?”
“I love you, Janie. No matter what you tell us, nothing will change how much I adore you. And by the way, we’re getting married as soon as I can arrange it. I’m not waiting any longer. I know I promised to give you time, but I almost lost you today. No matter what you tell us about your experience at the hands of the Reyes cousins, nothing will stop me from marrying you.”
Tears filled her eyes. “Sawyer.”
“Want me to do this?” Jesse murmured.
Sawyer shook his head, gaze still locked with Janie’s. She was his. He’d walk through anything she faced, good or bad. They’d deal with it together as a team. He would always be there for Janie. “Were you unconscious after you were kidnapped?”
She stilled. “No.”
Man, he hated to ask her these questions, hated more that they were necessary. For the sake of her health, though, he had to know the truth. “Second question, and this one is harder. Were you sexually assaulted after you were kidnapped?”
Janie’s eyes widened. “No, Sawyer. I promise.”
He lifted her hand and turned it to examine the scratches on her wrist and forearm. “These injuries resemble those I’ve seen on survivors of rape who fought their bonds and their attackers. How did you get these injuries, baby?”
“Your knife. My hands were secured behind my back with a zip tie. I tried to be careful, but the knife slipped several times. I give you my word, Sawyer, that none of the men touched me.” She swallowed hard. “If Lorenzo had been successful in taking me away, he would have assaulted me.” Tears spilled down her cheeks again. “You saved me.”
His own eyes filled with tears at the relief he felt. He’d still love her no matter what, but convincing a traumatized Janie that he loved her beyond reason would have taken a while. Sawyer brushed her lips with his.
Jesse reached over and squeezed her free hand. “You did well, sugar. We’re making you an honorary member of the Texas Team.”
“Really?” She beamed at the medic.
“We saw the security footage from the shop. You protected me and Sawyer from further harm, took one of Sawyer’s many knives, and were strong enough to use it when, under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t hurt anyone. You are one tough lady, and we’re proud to call you ours.”