Page 73 of Last Chance
He glanced at Janie. “Ready to do this?”
A ghost of a smile curved her lips. “Not really, but I don’t want to wait either. The delay will only make things worse.”
Good call. “Wait for me to come around.” He circled around the front of the vehicle and opened Janie’s door. “If the confrontation becomes too much for you, let me know. I’ll get you out of there while Max and Brody learn the answers we need.”
“I’m not a coward,” she said shortly, and went to walk ahead of him.
“Hold it.” Sawyer caught her upper arm and turned her back toward him. “That’s not what I meant. You are a tower of strength. That doesn’t mean I want you to endure verbal abuse from anyone, including your brother.”
“He wouldn’t do that,” she protested. Her eyes told a different story, that she wasn’t as sure about David as she projected.
“Yeah, he would. He already has.” He cupped her chin and raised her face to his. “I won’t let him get by with it,” he warned. No one could abuse Janie. Ever. She was his to protect, and no one would hurt her if he could prevent it.
“I understand.”
He brushed her mouth with his and straightened. Sawyer glanced at Brody. “Ready.”
“Max.” Brody inclined his head toward the front entrance. “Sawyer, you and Janie follow him. I’ll bring up the rear. Let’s get this done and get out of here. My skin is crawling.”
Sawyer wrapped his arm around Janie’s shoulders and stayed alert in case trouble lurked inside the hotel. Brody wasn’t prone to exaggeration. If his team leader felt trouble was near, you could bank on it.
He sighed. Great. Taking Janie into the lion’s den wasn’t on Sawyer’s list of priorities. In fact, that was the last place he wanted her.
Resolved to place himself between Janie and any threat, Sawyer drew her closer to his side as they entered the inn’s lobby and walked to the elevator.
Less than a minute later, they approached room 217. Max held up a fist, then pointed to the door. It was ajar.
Sawyer’s gut tightened as he nudged Janie against the wall beside the door. Moran might have left the door like that if he was getting ice. However, Sawyer had a clear view of the alcove from here. Janie’s brother wasn’t there.
Brody moved up beside Max. Both men drew their weapons and Max nudged the door open further with his elbow. They entered the room noiselessly.
“What’s going on?” Janie whispered.
Brody stepped into the doorway, his expression grim. “Max is calling for an ambulance. Moran is down.”
JANIE GASPED AND pushed at the immovable wall of Sawyer’s back. “Sawyer, I have to see him.”
“Janie, it’s not pretty,” Brody warned. “Be prepared.”
Her heart sank. “What happened to him?”
“Someone worked him over. He’s alive but unconscious.”
She shoved at Sawyer again. This time, the man reached back to grasp her hand and walked into the hotel room with her.
On the floor by the wall, her brother lay sprawled on his back. His clothes were ripped and bloody in several places, and his face was bruised, swollen, and mostly covered with blood. His nose was definitely broken, as were several fingers.
Janie tugged free of Sawyer’s hold and dropped to the floor beside her brother. Oh, man. He looked terrible. What happened to him? More importantly, who did this to David? For goodness’ sake, he’d only been in town a few days. How could he have made enemies so quickly? “David, it’s Janie. Can you hear me?”
No response.
“Come on, bro. Wake up for me. I want to hear a few more bad-tempered remarks from you. Don’t let me down.”
Still nothing.