Page 17 of No Going Back
The heat pouring from his body warmed her. Even though in the nightmare she’d been burning, in reality, her body was chilled, even with the robe she’d been wearing.
“You want to talk about it?”
“Not even for a second. I’m hoping it slips away like most dreams.” That didn’t seem likely, but she could hope.
“Think you’ll be able to get back to sleep?”
Her yawn prevented her from answering and made Sean chuckle. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
But the thought of being alone with the nightmare was horrific. “Can you stay with me?” She hadn’t meant to ask, but Sean hugged her before she could take the words back.
“I’d like that. I’ll sleep better knowing you’re okay.”
The man might be a tough special forces operator, but he had a soft center that made him so damn special. “Thank you.”
He shifted them so he was on his back and she cuddled into his side with her head on his chest. He tucked his arm around her and pulled up the cover. “There. Comfy?”
“Perfect. Thank you.”
His chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Stop thanking me. I’m here with my arms full of a strong, sexy woman. It’s not exactly a hardship. Now sleep.”
He kissed her hair, and she smiled into his chest. Right now, she felt the exact opposite of strong and a million miles from sexy. But she loved that he’d said it.
The bed dipped as Jabba hopped onto the bed and tucked himself behind her back. He was snoring almost immediately, making her smile.
“Close your eyes. Turn off that beautiful brain. And follow the mutt’s example. Sleep, Branna.”
And she slept.
Back On My Feet
Sean knew before he fully woke that he was back to normal power. Holding Branna in his arms meant he’d been able to sleep properly instead of worrying about her down the hall.
The scream she’d let out in the middle of her nightmare had been full of grief and loss and sheer terror. The sound had embedded itself into his heart, and he knew he’d never forget the helplessness he’d felt at her sorrow.
When he’d bounded into her room, he’d found Jabba on the bed, trying to nudge her awake. She’d been stiff and frozen when he’d picked her up, her heart nearly pounding out of her chest.
It had taken him almost a minute to wake her from the nightmare. Although asleep, her eyes had been wide open. He’d left the light on in the hallway, and he’d seen that she was completely shattered.
He wasn’t sure he would have been able to leave her on her own for the rest of the night, so he’d been relieved when she’d asked him to stay.
He’d left his phone in the other room and he didn’t know what time it was, but he knew they’d slept for a long time. Poor Jabba would have to go out soon.
Sean wondered if they’d even moved as they’d slept. His arm still held her to his chest, where she’d left her hand over his heart. She pressed up against him along his side, and he was glad she wasn’t splayed on top of him where she’d feel his erection.
Sleeping with Branna might prove addictive, even if they never had sex.
Hell, he hoped she wanted to have sex at some point in the future once they figured out this mess. He’d always liked her. He’d been attracted to her from the time he’d been old enough to notice. But she was Charlie’s sister.
What do you think, Charlie? Me and Branna? How do you feel about that?
Not surprisingly, Charlie didn’t answer, but Sean was pretty sure he wouldn’t mind. If you couldn’t trust your best friend with your sister, who could you trust? At least that was the way he was choosing to look at it.
From the other side of the bed, Jabba lifted his head and eyed Sean. He whined softly and Sean figured the guy had to be bursting to go outside. He needed to hit the bathroom himself.
Sean tried to slip out without disturbing Branna, but her eyes fluttered open. When she spotted him, she smiled and her eyes were clear of fear and grief. He knew it would return but seeing her at peace after sharing a bed for the night made him feel like a superhero.