Page 23 of Crazy for You
Mark, seated to Ryan’s left, had remained quiet throughout the exchange, but his dark eyes were watchful. He’d enlisted after high school, let the Army iron out his kinks and make him into a man. Maybe he could have a chat with Trent about his priorities sometime.
“So, um, the DJ last night…her name is Iris,” Trent said, as stars practically began to dance in his eyes. “She let me hang out in the booth with her, and after they closed for the night, she let me mix a few tunes on her equipment. The manager said he’ll let me play for an hour next Tuesday night, see how it goes.”
“Really?” Emma’s eyes were wide, her pride palpable. “That’s so amazing, Trent. This could be your first break!”
Trent bounced in his seat. “It’s just an hour, but maybe if it goes well, they’ll let me mix again. Maybe it could turn into a regular gig for me.”
“We’ll all come to hear you,” Emma said. “Right, guys?”
“Of course!” Gabby was grinning from ear to ear.
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Ethan said. “Haven’t been to that joint in years.” He turned toward his fiancée with a smile. “Got a few moves to show you on the dance floor, sweetheart.”
“Likewise,” Gabby said. “I used to go clubbing in Charlotte, you know.”
Ryan turned to his brother. “And this Iris, she’s a friend?”
Trent fiddled with his glass. “Yeah. A friend. She’s cool.”
And he was obviously crushing on her. Which was okay, but… “How old is she?”
Ethan gave him a fist bump while Ryan bit his tongue. He was Trent’s brother, not his father, and he needed to act like it. He took a deep breath and let it go. “Can’t wait to hear you play.”
“You mean it?” Trent looked at him with a new light in his eyes.
Emotion socked Ryan in the gut. “Yeah, man. Of course.”
“And we all have an excuse to go dancing.” Emma wiggled in her seat with a smile.
The thought of Emma on the dance floor in a cute dress hit Ryan with an entirely different kind of punch to the gut, the kind that let him know he was in big trouble where she was concerned.
“So what’s the deal with you and Ryan these days?” Gabby asked as she and Emma stood together in front of the mirror in the ladies’ room at Rowdy’s, touching up their lipstick.
Emma lifted her shoulder. “No deal. Just friends.”
“Really? Because that kiss on his motorcycle sounded hot. I thought it was going to be the start of something for you guys.”
“Yeah, so did I, but he was afraid of messing up our friendship if we took it any further.” Emma ran her fingers through her hair, smoothing a few fly-away strands. “Honestly, he hasn’t so much as looked at me funny since, and it’s been weeks. Obviously there was a spark, but I think he’s moved on.”
“And you?”
Emma fidgeted in front of the mirror. “I got kind of infatuated with the idea of a thing between us, but I think it’s time for me to move on, too.”
Gabby was silent for a moment, her lips pursed. “Actually, I think you’re right. We need to set you up on a date. It’d be good for you, plus if Ryan does have feelings for you, it’ll totally make him jealous.”
“Got anyone in mind?” She’d never been fond of blind dates, but maybe Gabby was right. She needed to quit pining after Ryan and put herself back in the game.
“No, but let me think on it.” With a wink, she led the way back to their table.
Emma spent the next fifteen minutes thinking about her conversation with Gabby, and the more she thought about it, the more she liked it. She’d get herself a hot date, maybe even a couple of hot dates. She was so done with waiting for Ryan to make a move he was never going to make.
“I think we’re going to head out,” Gabby said, gathering her jacket as Ethan stood from the table. “See you guys at Off-the-Grid tomorrow.”
Emma would be there installing flowers along the walkway, and yeah, it was fun that she’d get to see everyone. With Trent working there and her landscaping gig, right now she saw her friends at Off-the-Grid more often than anywhere else.
Mark said his good-byes, too, and headed for the door, with Trent following close behind.