Page 38 of Crazy for You
He pushed his glasses up on his head and took her hands in his. “Promise me, Em. Promise me that whatever happens, we won’t let it ruin our friendship, okay?”
She nodded, as her heart flopped in her chest. “I promise. We can just be friends with benefits, or whatever, in the meantime.”
His expression grew more intense, and he tugged her in close. “I’m not sure there’s anything friendly about the way I’m feeling about you right now.”
Her heart started pounding, and heat pooled in her belly. “That makes two of us.” Although standing here in broad daylight at Off-the-Grid, it did indeed sound kind of surreal to be talking about hooking up with Ryan.
“And no guys from Tinder,” he said, his expression fierce.
“No one but you.” She hoped he couldn’t hear the absolute truth in her words. Then she narrowed her eyes. “Same goes for you.”
“I never mess around, Emma,” he said, looking so protective and loyal it made her chest hurt. “If I’m with you, I’m only with you.”
“Okay then.” She tried to hide the big mushy mess that was her heart behind a casual smile. “What will we tell everyone else?”
“Let’s play it by ear,” he said. “Right now, I think we’re doing way too much talking.”
“Agreed.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.
Next thing she knew, she was plastered against his chest. His hands had found their way into her back pockets while his mouth devoured hers. “Wow,” she said when they’d finally come up for air.
“Yeah.” He looked just as dazed as she felt. “You are blowing my mind right now.”
She grinned. “Thanks, I think.”
“So what now?” he asked, for once looking at a loss.
Yeah, this was slightly awkward. Last night, beneath the strobing lights of the dance floor and fueled by alcohol, they’d been possessed by their need for each other. But here, in the bright sunshine, while both of them were technically at work? It wasn’t as if they could just fall into bed together.
“Well, I was thinking…I’ve decided on my tattoo. Will you take me to get it done?”
He was quiet for a moment. Then he nodded. “If you’re sure it’s what you want. I used to manage a place in Charlotte. The guys there are top notch. They did most of mine.”
She traced her fingers over an intricate design that wrapped around his wrist. The reality of getting a tattoo—namely, the pain from the needle, but also the idea of it being on her body forever—was still slightly terrifying, but this was something she’d always wanted to do. And having Ryan take her felt beyond perfect. “I like yours. So Charlotte, huh?”
He nodded. “We could go this weekend.”
Charlotte was at least a two-hour drive from Haven. Maybe they could spend the night, too, but right now that still felt a bit too forward to mention. “It’s a date.”
“So what are you getting?”
“A poppy.” She smiled when his brow furrowed. “It’s a flower. You knew I had to get a flower, right?”
He looked down at her dirt-stained hands. “Yeah. A flower definitely suits you.”
“The red poppy symbolizes remembrance, especially for fallen service members. And I want to have an anchor woven into the stem to symbolize hope.”
He stared straight into her eyes, and his expression made her sizzle from head to toe. “That’s perfect. Really perfect.”
Ryan scraped a hand over his chin as he followed Emma back toward the main building. Holy shit, this thing between them had taken on a life of its own. Bringing her to Charlotte to get a tattoo would be a turning point, that much was for damn sure.
Trent pulled into the parking lot in his little Kia sedan, and Ryan headed his way. Emma beat him to it.
“You were so fantastic last night,” she gushed as soon as Trent had stepped out of his car.
“Thanks.” He tugged at his cap with a shy smile.
“You really have something there. I could feel it,” she said. “And it seemed like everyone else was really enjoying your music, too. I think this could be the start of big things for you.”