Page 74 of Crazy for You
Her reflection in the bathroom mirror stopped her. Her tattoo had gone through an icky, scabby phase while it healed, but now…now it looked…wow. She touched it with a smile. It was pretty and sexy and delicate. She loved it even more than she’d thought she would.
The poppy represented both her work and her love for her brother. It reflected so much about her, but it was private. No one had to see it unless she showed them. Yeah, she loved it. It was perfect.
With a happy smile, she stepped into the shower. Now that it had healed, she could take hot showers again. Long, hot showers. Or soak in the tub. Both sounded good, but right now her stomach was instructing her to hurry so she didn’t linger too long beneath the shower’s hot spray. Instead, she hopped out, dressed in a white tank top and jeans, and headed for the bakery. She was starved, and only one of Carly’s cinnamon buns would do.
“Hey there, stranger,” Carly said with a wide grin when she walked in.
“Hey yourself.” Emma snagged a seat at the counter.
Carly set a cup of coffee and a plate with a cinnamon bun in front of her with a smile.
“Am I that predictable?” she asked. “Yeah, I am, and I don’t even care.”
“Nothing wrong with knowing what you want,” Carly said. “So how are things with Ryan?”
“Good.” She sipped her coffee with a happy sigh. “Really good, actually.”
“You do have that happy glow about you,” Carly said, eyeing her up and down.
“That might be partly due to what you’re feeding me,” she said around a mouthful of cinnamon bun.
“Aw, you’re sweet, but this looks like more of a man-made glow.”
“The glow of someone who…” She lowered her voice, giving a sly glance around her. “Gave a blow job on a motorcycle last night?”
Carly’s eyebrows lifted. “You naughty girl, Emma. That sounds technically…awkward.”
She giggled. “It was a little bit, but it was also amazing.”
The bell above the door chimed, and she and Carly looked over to see a tall, slender brunette enter. Emma straightened in her seat. “Good morning, Mrs. Lamar.”
The woman glanced at her, seeming at first not to recognize her, but after a moment’s pause, she walked over with a polite smile. “Emma, right? And please call me Kate.”
“Yes. Thanks, Kate.” Emma motioned for Kate to take the seat beside her.
“What do you recommend?” Kate asked.
“The cinnamon bun, definitely. Carly’s cinnamon buns are pretty much the best breakfast food ever created.”
Kate glanced at Emma’s plate. “That does look good.”
“It’s delicious.”
Carly smiled from the other side of the counter. “I should hire her to work for me. Would you like to taste a sample?”
“No, thank you,” Kate said. “I’ll take Emma’s word for it. Two cinnamon buns, please. One for here and one to go. For my husband,” she added, glancing at Emma.
“Are you guys enjoying your time here in Haven?” Emma asked.
Kate nodded. “It’s a lovely town.”
“Your son’s a great kid. We’ve all enjoyed having him here.”
The older woman’s expression was pained. “It’s not that I object to him being here exactly…but he should be in college right now. Instead he’s here, playing around, riding zip-lines and DJ’ing in a club. He’s headed down the wrong path.”
“And no one has tried to convince him of that more than Ryan,” Emma said quietly.
“Excuse me?” Kate gave her a sharp look.