Page 78 of Edge of Desire
“That’s what Justin tells us. You know, Vail is a perfect fit for you and I always imagined you’d live there one day. You always loved that place, even when you were a little kid.”
“You really feel that way, Dad?”
"I really do, honey.”
“I’m positive it’s my place, and I still love it. I’ve decided on doing some consulting work for the Vail resorts.” I hoped I sounded convincing again.
“Oh, honey, that’s fantastic. I’m so proud of you. Oh, hang on a minute. There’s someone here who wants to speak to you.”
Please oh please don’t let it be Mom.
“Well, look at you, Miss Ski Bunny, all fancified out in Vail.”
“Grams! I miss you so much!”
“Well, darlin’, don’t be wastin’ your time missin’ this ole bird. You get out there and enjoy yourself. I know how much you love to ski, so don’t you dare miss a minute of it, you hear?”
“Yes, ma’am! Grams, I want you to come and visit me this summer, when all the flowers are in bloom. Will you?”
“Why, you can count on it.”
“I love you, Grams!”
“And I love you, Little Avery! You take care of yourself and have a merry Christmas!”
Then another deep voice came on the line but this time it was my brother Pearce. “Why, Ava, you sneaky girl you. I have to say I’m thrilled you ended up there. That was always your favorite place. You were born to live there. Justin’s kept us up to date, but maybe next year Lexi and I, along with the newest Middleton, will come out for a visit.”
“I hope so, Pearce. Please promise me you will.”
“I promise. Now have a great Christmas and we love you.”
“Love you too. Is Andrew around?”
“I’m handing the phone to him now.”
Andrew, my other brother, told me how jealous he was. “You know, I may come out and move there myself.”
“You never know. I always loved that place too. Not as much as you, but I still loved it.”
“I’d love to have you out here. At least come and visit.”
“How does February sound?”
“Any time sounds perfect.”
“I promise to grab a week off and I’ll let you know the dates.”
“I can’t wait to see you.”
“Same here, sis. Hey, I gotta go. Brunch is being served.”
“Okay, have a merry Christmas. Love you, bro.”
“Love you back, sis.”
I ended the call and was in a much better mood than when I made it. The idea of Andrew visiting put a spark in me. It had been good to talk to everyone, but the absence of my mother made it blatantly obvious that she was still angry. Well, too bad. It was time for her to get over it and move on.