Page 89 of Edge of Disaster
“We didn’t have much choice. It was just one of those things. But don’t worry, I won’t leave your side for a second and I’ll be with you every step of the way.”
I believed him because he’d never given me any reason not to trust him.
“You’d better not or I’ll kill you, Pearce. Really. I’m not kidding.”
October was already here and I was getting married in exactly three weeks. Ava and I were going for a final dress fitting today. It was also time to pick out my undergarments and I wanted them to be something really sexy. I’d get Ava to help.
I put the gown on and cried. It was the most beautiful dress ever. This was one time I wish I had a mom who cared about me. Well, that’s not exactly true. There had been dozens of times, but it was my wedding dress for cryin’ out loud. I’d even take my dad or my sister for Christ’s sake. Or a stepmom if I had one. I wish I had a stepmom ... one who was nice and who cared about me because my mom sure didn’t.
Ava stared at me and asked if I was okay. Phil told me I needed to quit evading these types of questions with people I was close to, so they didn’t think I was distant. It would also let them know I was trying to deal with this issue.
“Just a backflash, you know, a thought of my mom and how I wish she wasn’t selfish and coldhearted.”
Her smile disappeared. “I get it and no worries.” She didn’t know how lucky she was having a mom like Susan, and I told her.
“Yeah, well, sometimes I think she cares more for my brothers than me.”
“Really? Susan does that?”
“She’s done it to me ever since I was a little girl. ‘Stand up straight. Don’t walk that way. Your makeup isn’t looking good.’ Need I go on?”
“No, I’m just sorry it’s that way between you two. I didn’t know.” My heart went out to her because my mother did that to me until she kicked me in the pants. Then it was nothing.
Ava clapped and said, “Let’s do something fun instead of talk about this. How about we pick out your lingerie ensemble?”
At first, she suggested a one-piece with garters attached, but I nixed that idea. “How in the world would I manage going to the bathroom?”
With a smirk, she answered, “You would get your husband to help.” My mouth gaped like an enormous guppy until she cracked up.
“Um, I don’t think so. With Pearce, we’d never leave the bathroom.”
Her arm flew out as she held her palm toward me. “Stop! That’s my brother you’re talking about. I just can’t with this. Underwear is one thing, but that’s completely off-limits.”
At that, I laughed even harder. “Hey, you started it.”
“I sure did, didn’t I?”
Since a one-piece was a negative, we moved on to sexy bras and thongs. I found exactly what I was looking for. When we finished, I purchased my treasures and we left. My dress would stay there until the day of the wedding, when they would steam it and deliver it to the church. That was nice of them because I’d been wondering how I would get into the car wearing the thing.
“Have you gotten the rest of your trousseau yet?” she wanted to know.
“Pearce took me, and I got the outfit I’ll change in to as we leave the reception.”
“Anything else?”
“I don’t need anything else.”
Ava shrugged. “What about while you’re away on your honeymoon?”
“Pearce said he’d take care of that,” I murmured. I really hadn’t wanted to share that, but it was Ava after all.
“You mean you’re letting him handle it? He’s going to buy you shirts that go up to your ears and one-piece bathing suits.”
“Bathing suits? Does that mean we’re going somewhere warm?”
“Oh shoot, Lex. I wasn’t supposed to say anything. Please don’t tell him I mentioned it.”