Page 110 of Suddenly You
Minutes later, the door swings opens with a bang and a man with blond hair and blue eyes stumbles out, still zipping his pants.
“Sorry, bro. I got distracted,” he says with a laugh, and Sem rolls his eyes.
“Does it smell like your mess in there?” he asks and then leans forward and takes a sniff. “Fuck, open the windows, Whit. Jesus, I’m tired of this shit.”
I hear shuffling around inside, and minute later, the curtains on the window are pulled back and I see a dark-haired man with dark clothes appear before me. This must be Whit, the guy who just railed the dude-bro within an inch of his life.
Pretty impressive as he seems much smaller in stature than the other guy.
We stand outside for a few minutes as Whit opens and shuts the door, airing the place out before we make our way inside. Well, more like Sem points for me to enter, and I do. I can’t say no. Not when it’s three against one. They could easily take me.
“Luke coming?” the man with the blond hair asks.
“Nah, he’s in Arizona with Elliot.”
“Caleb,” Whit interrupts and then tries to hand a pair of panties to the man very discreetly, but it only causes Caleb to whip them around in circles with a grin.
“Oh shit, yeah, I couldn’t find those. You ripped them off real good.”
Whit blushes and shakes his head slightly.
Sem chuckles and then pats Whit on the shoulder, kind of roughly. “You married him.”
“I did.”
I watch the interaction, the silent communication between these men and then a second later, Caleb plops down on Whit’s lap, nuzzling his face into his neck.
Kind of like what I do with Coop, I think as I start to blush. Is this what I look like? A needy slut?
There’s no helping me now.
“Why you staring?” Sem asks roughly, and I jump slightly, swallowing loudly.
“Um, I didn’t mean to…”
“Oh, it’s fine. You can look all you want,” Caleb interrupts. “I don’t mind. Whit is so hot. We’re hot together. I know people can’t look away.”
Whit’s hand flexes on Caleb’s back and then taps an uneven rhythm—probably nerves. I take a seat on a chair opposite them. I don’t even want to contemplate sitting on the bed, which is rumpled and has a large mess right in the middle.
I force my gaze back to the guys in the room.
“Yeah, but is he looking because he thinks it’s gross?” Sem asks, and I shake my head roughly, my brain rattling around in my skull.
“No, I wasn’t thinking that at all. I was thinking that…I do that with Coop.”
My words are soft and timid and everyone seems to strain toward me to hear what I’m saying.
It’s silent for a moment and I feel my entire body start to melt from embarrassment. I know that what I need isn’t typical male behavior, or at least that’s what I’ve been told. But fuck, I can’t help myself. I love being held by him.
“Cuddling is the best,” Caleb finally says with a grin. “I just hang off Whit like a curtain.”
“It’s true,” Whit adds.
Sem nods and then sits back slightly, the desk he’s leaning against creaking under his weight. “I like to carry Maggie around. He fits perfectly in my arms.”
My throat bobs as I take this in, take in the fact that what I need is normal, that it’s fine. I blink my eyes several times, trying not to cry.