Page 80 of Suddenly You
“What?” Matthew asks, his brow furrowing. “It would cost me an arm and a leg to fly to Paris and you know it.”
“I do,” I say, my voice a little snootier than it should be. It’s not his fault that I placed him in this position. Or the fact that he’s even thinking about money. It’s my fault. I kept him in this marriage, I’m the one who insisted we stay married when I could have easily gotten this annulled.
And I know I’ll be in for a world of hurt in the end. I obviously didn’t think this all through.
“What if I said the trip would be on me?” I ask, turning toward him and running my hand through his hair. He’s like a cat, arching into it, nearly purring as I massage his scalp.
“Would it really be?” he asks.
“Yeah, it would. My treat. I want to take you to all the places you’ve never been.”
“Then yeah, we can do that, but maybe wait for the school year to end in June. I don’t want to use any more sick days.”
Fucking work, I think as I pull him against me.
“That’s fine. We can wait. For now, we’ll plan something closer to home. Something we’ll both enjoy.”
He sighs into my skin as I hold him tightly.
Now, what to do?
We end up at a club across town—the Gaythering Club. It’s one that I frequent when I need to get out. I like it here because it’s a very nice, high-end, and inclusive environment. I don’t need to worry about people eyeing me with my choice of clothes or making hate speech while I’m grinding up on another guy on the dance floor.
I got Patrick and Owen hooked on this place too, which is why when I mentioned coming here tonight, they invited themselves along. Probably helped that I mentioned Matthew would be here. I bet they want to see the two of us in action. Probably want to see me lose myself over him.
I’ll never hear the end of it, I swear.
They already fussed all over him when we met up in the parking lot, battering him with questions. I had to drag him away to save him from their clutches.
“They have the best drinks here,” I explain to Matthew as we stride inside the club. I link my arm through his as he takes in the decor. There’s a long bar that spans an entire wall with multiple bartenders working it. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and I see dancers on lifted stages around the room. Crowds of people are on the dance floor, grinding to the music. It’s fun, vibrant, and totally alluring.
Just like Matthew. He let me dress him for tonight, and I don’t know how it’s possible but he looks hotter than normal. I didn’t think anything could beat his white shirt and blue jeans combo. But this new look of black fitted slacks and a gray button-down with the sleeves rolled up the forearm is disgustingly hot.
Like makes my dick perk up and weep kind of hot.
And what’s even better about the whole ensemble is the ring on his finger.
The one I made sure he wore before we left for the night. I want everyone to know he’s mine.
I don’t want people creeping up on what’s not theirs.
“I think I may need to watch my alcohol levels in here,” he says, his eyes swiveling down to mine.
“Oh, but that’s no fun. I want to see you let loose,” I tell him.
Matthew’s lips turn up into a small grin. “I think that’s dangerous.”
I lean into him, whispering an incentive in his ear. “But if you loosen up, I could blow you in the bathroom.”
His ears turn an adorable shade of pink, and I see the color spread to his cheeks.
“We’ll see.”
Well, that’s promising. At least it’s not a no.
As we walk to the bar, ordering drinks for myself and Matthew, I turn my gaze to the dance floor, searching for anyone I may know. I don’t know many people who frequent here on a Saturday night, but I do have a few acquaintances I wouldn’t mind running in to. A little small talk and some catching up wouldn’t be the end of the world. And it would feed my extroverted soul a little.