Page 44 of Forbidden Desire
“What then is your verdict, Maighstir?”
Ignoring his digits buried in my hair, I turned at Eric’s question, realizing this was the crux of everything. Whatever Rasmie decided now would be Elodie’s fate.
“My brothers are ready for wives of their own.” Rasmie hesitated, his smile widening at the jeers rising from the throng. “It is a matter we discussed before Elodie’s arrival, and she seems to have caught the eye of one sibling in particular.”
His gaze shifted to Jeemie, and the pressure in my chest burgeoned until I could barely take another breath. So, Jeemie had intentions for Elodie? I had guessed as much but couldn’t decide how I felt about the decision. I’d been around long enough to know he was definitely the better of Rasmie’s two brothers. Alban’s selfish and arrogant behavior was intolerable, but still, I barely knew the man.
Then was the matter of her age. Elodie wasn’t even twenty-five years old, far too young to be considering commitment, especially with a man she didn’t know. The whole plan was ludicrous, but if I knew anything about the man who called himself my husband, he would not take kindly to my critique.
“You are offering her to Jeemie?” Eric didn’t sound the least bit surprised by Rasmie’s plan.
“I have spoken to the gods on the subject, and aye...”
Jeemie’s grin broadened as Rasmie went on.
“They have blessed this union, and so do I.”
A rapturous cheer rose from those assembled.
“Oh God.”
I didn’t even consciously say the words, my chin falling as the judgment pinballed in my head. He was giving my younger sister to his brother as if she was a gift he could bestow. What the hell was wrong with these people?
“Something to say, nighean bheag?” Rasmie’s fingers stiffened, dragging my gaze back to his. I had little choice but to obey, eyes rising to meet his arching brow.
“Why are you doing this?” I couldn’t resist my petulant tone, even though I knew where it would get me. There was no option but to speak—while I had the chance. This was my sister’s life he was deciding with the roll of some unseen die.
“Nighean bheag,”—he leaned closer—“why ask such a ridiculous question? Your sister must be penalized for her misdemeanor, just as you were, and there is nothing to fear. Jeemie is rather taken by her. He shall be a good husband.”
“She’s too young.” I didn’t know why I was bothering to argue. It was obvious from his gleeful expression and the way his focus flitted back to Jeemie, he wouldn’t listen, but I had to try. “She can’t be anyone’s wife!”
“She was old enough to come here without consent.” His gaze fixed on me again in a heartbeat. “Old enough to make the journey alone.”
“Sh-She’s capable,” I attempted to explain, “but she won’t adapt to life here. It’s a stretch too far, Maighstir.”
“It is not your judgment to make, nighean bheag.” His voice was firm. “I am surprised how quickly you have forgotten what happens to insolent little women.”
Recognizing the dark glint in his eyes, my body understood the inference and where I was headed even before the hand still buried in my hair steered me up and over his lap. He moved with such agility, manhandling me into position before I could even think to protest. From around me, the noise swelled, the crowd noticing when he hiked my long skirts up and over my head.
“It seems my wife needs a reminder of her place.” Rasmie practically laughed as his palm grazed my exposed cheeks. “I would normally take her outside to the place of punishment, but since we are all gathered, this seems as fitting a place as any.”
Tensing, my eyes squeezing closed to prepare for what was to come. I had been upturned like this almost every day since my arrival, but with my sister confined only a few feet from my head, this was even more difficult to endure.
What would Elodie think when he spanked me? How would she cope with the spectacle? Would she expect me to resist and be disappointed in my perceived compliance? How would I deal with the weight of her expectations? I braced at the competing questions. How would I bear her watching me? Rasmie had gone to great lengths to make sure I was used to being humiliated in front of his people, but to be bared and treated this way before my family? Surely, the dishonor would be more than I could stand.
His palm splintered my thought process, the impact echoing around the hall despite the growing rapture of the crowd.
I stiffened at Elodie’s muffled complaint, mortified she not only witnessed my ordeal but was moved to respond.
“Quiet the woman, Jeemie.” Rasmie’s order boomed over my head as he spanked me again, a multitude of unforgiving strikes peppering my exposed skin. “She is your responsibility now.”
“No fucking way!” Elodie’s voice was unmistakable, though the venom in it was usually only reserved for our sister, Rochelle. “Get your hands off of her, you brute!”
“Elodie.” I winced as Rasmie swatted me harder, the pain intolerable as I struggled to cope with what was going on beyond my head. I had seen her locked in the odd-looking cage and knew there was only one way she was able to scream her protests. She must have pulled the fruit out, defying whatever archaic rules they had set, and now there would be trouble. “Stop!”
“Silence!” Rasmie roared, his relentless palm making it increasingly difficult for me to think.