Page 51 of Forbidden Desire
THIS WAS CRAZY. I SHOULD be conceiving a way off this island, not contriving how much pleasure I could muster with the same brute who’d carried me across the territory, but as Jeemie rose from the chair and I wrapped my legs around his middle, it was all I could think about.
I buried my head in the crook of his arm as he carried me, knowing where we were going and what I wanted when we got there. I couldn’t understand the way Desiree had behaved with Rasmie, but one of the things that did make sense was her apparent attachment to the man. I had known Jeemie for far less time, yet there was something fascinating about him, something inherent that convinced me to trust him—that I would be okay if I followed him, that he would take care of me.
On the surface, there was little to support the claim. Jeemie had been the one who’d tossed me over his shoulder and carried me here, helping me to lose consciousness en route. He’d been the one to tip me over his lap and subject me to the horrible spanking—in front of everyone. But he’d also been gentle where he could have shown force, reasonable where he could have used coercion.
Snuggling into his body heat, I realized he had stood between me and the baying mob when I’d been caged. He’d attended to my needs after the ordeal and was always attuned to me. Now I wanted him much closer and craved the unexpected intimacy between us more than was reasonable.
“How far to your place?” I lifted my head at the sudden temperature change, acknowledging for the first time we were beyond the boundaries of the hall. Jeemie was carrying me across some type of open courtyard, the sounds and smells of village life filling my senses as he strode on.
“Not far,” he murmured. “I have chambers just here.”
“Dheth airson tagradh ne tha agadsa, Jeemie?”
I tensed at the unknown male voice, glancing over my shoulder to find its leering owner.
“That’s enough, Eanruig,” Jeemie growled as he stalked past the stranger. “Go about your business.”
“What did he say?” I asked though I suspected I already knew.
“Some crude comment about our carnal intent.” Jeemie tilted his head at me, cocking one of those dark eyebrows.
“He’s right then,” I admitted with a guilty smile.
“He’s irrelevant,” Jeemie corrected, pausing outside another building. Holding me tight with one hand, he reached for the door handle and slipped inside its cozy confines. “What our maighstir and the gods have blessed, no man can tear asunder.” He stooped, lowering me to my feet before he turned and closed the wooden door.
Glancing around, I took in the place he called home. It was certainly less grand than what I recalled of Rasmie’s residence, but it looked clean and safe, and the fire in the corner ensured the temperature was inviting. Gripping the edge of the fur he’d offered me, I spun to face him.
“Are you sure about this?” I didn’t know why the sudden bout of conscience had hit me and was considering relenting on the one and only aspect of this misaligned adventure that made any sense to me, but a tug of compassion insisted I ask. I didn’t want Jeemie to be in trouble for anything that went on between us, and even though he had told me sexual interactions were permitted, I still had the sense people as primitive as these would not look favorably upon sex before marriage.
“Of course, doe bheag.” He moved toward me with a smile. “You think I want you less because of the things we have shared?”
“No,” I replied. “I just get the feeling your brother would not approve.”
“My brother?” He folded his arms across his chest, reminding me of the sheer expanse of chest hiding beneath his clothes.
“Yes. Would he not want us to wait before we fuck?”
“Elodie.” Jeemie advanced in a heartbeat, pressing his girth against me as his enormous hands slid to my tender ass. “Have I not spoken to you about your choice of language?”
I smirked as he squeezed my backside. “You don’t like it?”
“I shall not allow it.” His words rumbled past my ear and down my nape, the resonance rousing me.
“You won’t?” Gazing up at him, I was tempted to remind him he had no choice. I would speak how I wanted, when I wanted and did not seek his approval on the subject, but the gleam in his eyes clouded the thought, encouraging me to let it go and focus on the hedonism he promised. The man had such sparkling blue eyes. With a little effort, I’d be willing to bet I could lose myself in a gaze that beautiful.
“No, doe bheag.” His lips twitched. “I will not.”
“Oh.” I drew my lip between my teeth, fluttering my lashes at him. “It seems I have a lot to learn. Will you teach me?”
“You are playing with me.” He chuckled, and my core trembled. I couldn’t remember the last time I wanted someone this badly or a pull as great. “I think you know a great deal already.”
“I should like to know more.” Staring into his eyes, I realized I actually meant it. I wanted to learn, to know more about him, wanted something good to come out of my failed rescue attempt. One day, I would find the means to get Des and me away from this place, but until then, I had to survive. I yearned for his touch, for the solace of his kisses, and for whatever was waiting for me under the weighty plaid. “I want to know how to please you.”
His hand moved to my hair, fisting its length as he slowly eased my head back.
“You know not what you ask, doe bheag.” His breaths were ragged as he leaned closer, planting one, then a more heart-stopping caress on my neck.