Page 6 of Forbidden Desire
“What will you do in my and Jeemie’s absence?” My eyebrow cocked at the idea of Alban wandering the village unsupervised.
“Me?” His lips curled.
“Aye, you. I need a strong man to manage the wood collection before the next full moon. The nights grow longer by the day.”
“Then I shall see to it, Maighstir.” He saluted, though I had the distinct impression the gesture was intended to mock. “Fear not, the wood shall be collected.”
“Taing do.” I nodded my acknowledgment as my feet moved in Desiree’s direction. Parted from her for too long, my every fiber ached to see her again, to breathe in her scent, to be inside her.
“There is one other thing I need to do this day, Rasmie.”
My pace halted at his curious statement, and I slowly turned to catch sight of his smirk.
“What is this thing?”
“I need to please my maighstir.” His lips stretched into a wide grin. “I need to search for a wife.”
Chapter Three
PULLING IN A DEEP BREATH, I stood on the step, fist raised and hovering in front of the door. Letting go of the air, I tapped three times, then lowered it to my side as I waited. Apprehension knotted as the seconds ticked by. My prior vow never to come back here flitted through my brain as the distinct sound of footsteps echoed from inside—she was coming. I braced myself as the door was yanked open. My little sister blew a huge bubble in her gum as her gaze fixed on me.
I tried to sound upbeat, but God knew it was difficult. The youngest of the three of us, Rochelle was used to getting her own way and in recent years, had morphed into something of a wild child. Taking in the look of her scraggy braids, I noticed part of her hair was bleached platinum blonde, while others sported her deep natural brown.
“Can I come in?”
I waited as the enormous bubble expanded before slowly popping on her face.
“Sure.” She shrugged, sucking the stretched gum back between her teeth as she turned to allow me access. “Why are you here?”
“Mum.” Stepping over the threshold, I closed the front door behind me. “Or more specifically, Desiree.”
“What about them?” She wandered into the main room, not even glancing back.
“You heard Des is missing, right?” Anger flared at Rochelle’s complete lack of concern. She hadn’t visited since our sister disappeared and hardly ever picked up the phone. It was why I came here. I needed to speak to her face to face, woman to woman.
“I heard she went on some ridiculous trip with lover boy.” Rochelle blew another pink bubble as she slid onto her leather couch. “Ain’t she come back?”
“No.” My tone was terse as I towered over her. “No, she hasn’t.”
“Okay.” Her brow rose. “What’s it got to do with me?”
“She’s your fucking sister.” I was struggling to keep a lid on my simmering fury. “We’re your family. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
She stared at me vacantly. “Is that all you came to say? Because I’m busy.”
“Oh yeah, I can see that.” Glancing around her bare lounge, I was vaguely aware of the anger swirling inside me, the way it contorted, surging in an eruption of volcanic proportions. “Sorry to bust in on your frenetic existence. How fucking selfish of me!”
Rochelle’s gaze slid to mine slowly. “Whatever you came to say, El, just say it.” Her voice was low and snide.
“I need you to step up.” Inching closer, I enunciated the words through gritted teeth. “Be a decent daughter for once.”
She rolled her eyes. “Or what, sis? Are you gonna spank me?”
I squeezed my eyes closed, disdain for Rochelle fogging my head.