Page 71 of Forbidden Desire
“You are a great many things.” His mouth skimmed over mine, and God help me, my hips rolled forward, demonstrating my desire.
“She is horny!”
Tension intensified at the accurate assessment of whoever was watching.
“She will be a good wife to him.”
“Oh God.” My face flamed with embarrassment as Jeemie laughed gently.
“There is no need for shame,” he murmured. “Tormod is right. You will be a good wife.”
Staring into his blue eyes, I was no longer sure if it was the fetters or his gaze holding me in place.
“How long?” I whispered as Jeemie slid another stem into the other side of my hair. I was like the wild roses, just as Jeemie said—beautiful perhaps, but certain to wither now that I had been plucked from the only ground I’d ever known. I couldn’t survive in a world as primitive and barren as this when I could barely get through the day.
“How long must I stay this way?”
“For as long as it pleases our maighstir.” His lower tone inferred he didn’t want Rasmie to hear, his eyes imploring me to behave and not exacerbate my predicament.
I blew out a breath, inclined to agree as my head lowered. The sunshine had put in a rare appearance on this autumn day, but the goosebumps rising on my arms were an indication of how badly I was unable to regulate my body temperature.
“Maighstir.” Jeemie turned to his brother. “She is cold. Might I drape my fur across her shoulders?”
“Aye.” I glanced in Rasmie’s direction in time to see him cooing over my sister. “I see no reason why not.”
I couldn’t understand the appeal of the goliath who had captured my sister, didn’t recognize the way she insisted on submitting. It wasn’t how we’d been raised, and it defied logic, but I would be blind not to see how content Desiree was. I couldn’t remember seeing her that way before. The animal skin Jeemie pulled from his body and swathed me in helped the thought to diminish. Desiree was a grown woman who had made her own choices. Sure, it was clear Rasmie hadn’t given her much say from the start, but it was also obvious, she had found joy in that status quo.
“Hey.” Jeemie drew me back to his face, the back of his hand brushing over my flaming cheek. “Are you warmer now?”
I smiled, grateful for the protection of his fur. “Aye, thank you.”
He grinned as his free hand roamed over my punished ass, creating another enormous cheer from those relishing the view. Squeezing my left cheek, he tugged me closer.
“We will get through this, you and me, doe nighean.”
“I hope so.” I was trapped, not only in the rack Rasmie had insisted I endure but in the intensity of his stare.
“Have faith,” he teased. “I intend to worship you. You shall be thoroughly fucked and well looked after.”
I couldn’t help the smile that rose at his prophecy.
“But what about my behavior?” I asked, inhaling as his hand massaged my tender flesh. “Won’t I be in trouble a lot of the time, Sir?” I used the title he’d asked for intentionally, glad for the grin it inspired.
“When you need to be corrected, I vow you shall be.” His face lowered, nibbling the side of my neck. “I shall be all things to you, Elodie—lover, friend, and master.”
“Master?” I gasped, the idea preposterous, though the hand clawing possessively at my ass begged to differ.
“Aye,” he replied. “Laird and master.”
The End.
“TELL ME AGAIN WHY I am permitting this, nighean bheag?” Rasmie smirked as his men uncovered the boat hidden in the undergrowth.
“Because you love me, Maighstir.” The sea breeze whipped around the headland as I gripped his hand. Tucking the loose strands of hair behind my ear, my fingers returned to my belly. It was far too early for the baby growing in my womb to show, but long enough since my last period for me to be certain—I was pregnant and already had the deepest attachment to the new life. “Because you love us.”