Page 34 of Idaho
That had me scowling. "What does-"
"Gotta go," Jenny said, flashing me and Thomas a smile and all but bolting out of the room.
My eyes narrowed on the door that slammed closed behind her. Eva wasn't part of our family. She was only staying here until I investigated those assholes and decided what to do with her. This was likely going to end with a call to her father, and him sending more bodyguards, or her going home. She couldn't stay here long-term; Lock would never go for that. And I didn't need that kind of temptation around every day for who knew how long.
I was going to help the damsel in distress, then send her on her way. That was it. End of story.
"You can take the larger bedroom," I told her. "I'll take the spare." They both had an en suite bathroom, so I didn’t mind the smaller room. My eyes landed on Thomas. "Why don't we get you on your way." My smile was feral.
"I want to talk about what you have planned first," he said, glaring at me.
"I've got a PI who works for me. I'm going to get him started on everything. Considering Christmas is three days away, we probably won't hear back until after the New Year." I shrugged.
Thomas shot Eva a sideways look, then scrubbed his hand over the back of his neck. "If her father finds out I left her here, he's going to fire me."
"You think you can protect her better?"
"Yeah, I do."
"How, when it's just you? If someone launches an assault, you're going to be overwhelmed and she'll pay the price."
"I think you're paranoid. No one is going to launch an assault," he said with a roll of his eyes.
"You're sure about that?" Doubt flashed over his face. "Honestly, after finding out who she is, I'm not," I told him. "Look. Every man here is retired military."
Eva had been silent this whole time, letting us speak, but now she gave me a curious glance. I could see that she wanted to interrupt, but she'd been instilled with too many manners to ask her questions.
"I was special forces. So were a lot of my brothers. Those who weren't aren't any less dangerous." Thomas was slowly beginning to relax. I understood. I wouldn't have left Eva in the care of strangers without knowing at least something about them either. It was why Lock hadn't kicked him off the property last night. "We're used to dealing with dangerous situations." I didn't tell him that this club still dealt with them, even though we were all out of the military.
"It's Eva's decision," Thomas said after a short pause. We both looked her way.
"I want to stay." She gave us a small smile. "As long as you," she said to me, "don't think whatever this threat is will be more than you can handle."
Trying not to take offense at that, I told her, "Don't say that to any of the other guys. It'll piss them off."
Her eyes grew wide and her mouth opened in horror as she realized how that sounded. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm still just worried about the others living here. And I don't want to go back to the house and put Jo and Brittney in danger either." She looked tired and worried. "I appreciate your offer of help and will happily stay here." A determined look crossed her face.
"And follow my rules." I smirked at her when irritation settled on her features.
"Yes, and follow your rules," she relented.
"When do you go back to school?"
"On the twenty-sixth. Today is the start of our Christmas break."
"Then I guess we'll see you back here on the twenty-sixth," I told Thomas. "Need me to show you the door?"
"Idaho," Eva snapped. "There's no reason to be rude."
Easy for her to say. She didn't have to watch herself smile at that man with warmth and a connection forged by years of knowing each other. I didn't fucking like it.
"I can find it." He looked over at Eva. "I'll check in with you each day."
"Thank you, Thomas. Could you bring me to my residence to get some of my things later today?"
"I'll do it," I told her. "I have the day off."
"Oh, I don't want to be any trouble."