Page 43 of Idaho
She backed up, eyes still glued to where my hand was moving even as she retreated. The indecision played over her features as she watched me stroke myself.
My groan grew deep in my chest and I knew I was about to come again. "Either come wrap your lips around my cock, Eva, or get the fuck out."
That snapped her out of her daze, she spun around and dashed back through the open door, slamming it on her way out. My laughter was strained as I let go of my dick and slammed my fist against the tile. My chest was rising and falling like I'd run a mile for record speed. My balls were aching from the lack of release, but I was using the pain of cutting off my orgasm as a punishment. I couldn't keep fucking doing this. To her. To myself. Only, I knew it was inevitable. She was like a damn drug that I was craving. And I'd never even had a hit.
"Thank you, Sweetie," I told Grace, as I took an ornament from her. The moment I came down the stairs I'd been introduced to all the women, and their children. Even the dogs were down here, and Seek explained that she did search and rescue with them. It was obvious they were incredibly well trained, and their intelligent eyes followed every movement, as though they were watching for threats. There were so many people here, it was startling. Once again, I was grateful for my ability to remember faces and names. It was like my upbringing had prepared me for this day.
We were currently unpacking boxes of Christmas decorations and lights. I was just happy to be included. Jo was sitting nearby holding her nephew. His name was Sawyer and he was about five months old. He was a cutie and I really wanted to hold him, but hadn't worked up the courage to ask yet.
"So," Gwen, Grace's mother, told me with a grin, "the plan is to decorate the tree down here tonight."
"And then do some drinking," Keely called out.
"Rude," Danica replied, putting her hands on her hips. Her baby bump was looking so adorable in the festive sweater she was wearing. "Some of us can't drink."
"Shouldn't have let your man knock you up," Jordan teased. Danica replied by sticking out her tongue.
I laughed and shook my head. This reminded me so much of me and my sisters. As much fun as I knew it was going to be, I was also home sick. "I have a question."
"What's that?" Kit asked. She was handing Sloane, who was resting in a rocking chair nearby, a glass of water. Sloane gave her an exhausted smile by way of thanks.
"Where's the tree we're supposed to decorate?" I looked around. Someone had shoved the couches in the main area of the clubhouse back to make more room, and the walk area was clear. The bar was on the other side of the massive room, but there wasn't a tree anywhere in sight.
Before anyone had a chance to speak, the front door of the clubhouse exploded open. Seek jumped to her feet, eyes narrowed, looking like a Valkyrie about to attack. Her dogs were on their feet, by her sides, growling low in their throats.
"Fucking hold your end up higher! I can't get the damn thing in if it's catching on the step," someone bellowed from behind the branches of a massive tree.
"I'm holding the damn thing up," Toxic shouted back, grunting under the strain of lifting the stump of the tree higher in his arms. He stumbled back a step, then caught himself. "Kit!" he roared.
She hurried over as everyone else relaxed. "You need help?"
"Not from you, woman. Where's your meat wagon of a boyfriend?"
My eyes were wide as I watched Toxic grunt and heave, pulling the tree inside little by little. The branches were so thick as they funneled through the door that they completely blocked it. It didn't take long before Kit came back with Hellfire in tow.
"Move out of the way," Hellfire ordered, grabbing the stump and hefting it up onto his shoulder like it weighed nothing.
"Not that high, you asshole!" whoever was still outside shouted. "What the fuck? Did you grow ten feet in the last few minutes? You're dragging the top of the fucking tree out of my hands."
Hellfire didn't bother to listen, just started hauling the tree forward. He sort of reminded me of the old American western movies my oldest sister loved to watch, where they would attach teams of horses to things and have the beasts drag the heaviest of items around. Only, Hellfire was the horse.
Butcher finally appeared through the doorway and Toxic jumped in the middle and the three of them began bringing the tree over to the corner we were setting up in.
"Could you put that tree stand upright, Sweetheart?" Toxic asked me, with a wink.
I set the ornament I was still holding aside and scrambled forward to do as he asked. Making sure to set it far enough away from the wall that the branches had space, I put the tree stand where they needed it, and backed away.
"Thanks, Doll," Butcher told me.
I frowned, wondering why he was suddenly calling me things like sweetheart and doll. There was muffled laughter from the other women, but no one commented. I shrugged it off and went back to helping Grace and the other kids unpack ornaments.
"What's all this shit?" Butcher asked. He had a few boxes in his arms that he'd picked up, leaving Toxic and Hellfire to get the tree situated. He frowned down into the box.
"Could you hang those outside," Jenny asked him with a hopeful smile.