Page 5 of Idaho
Static looked at me over his shoulder. "Long story. I'll fill you in later."
I shrugged, going with the flow, and followed them up to my new apartment. As soon as Riptide opened the door, I frowned. "This is my 'apartment'?" It was more like a dorm style room from a college than anything. There was a bed, a dresser, and an ensuite bathroom. At least I had my own fucking bathroom.
"This is it," Riptide said with a wide grin.
"Welcome to the club," Static said with a slap on my back that knocked me forward a step. Without another word, they turned and left me alone.
I looked around the room and sighed. "This had better fucking be worth it."
"You realize being in a motorcycle club requires you to have an actual bike, right?" Static grunted as he picked up a box and rested it on his shoulder. He was helping me move some shit into my new room at the clubhouse.
"Careful with that," I told him, eyeing the bag he picked up in his free hand. It had some of my electronics in there. Those bastards were both my life and the bane of my existence. The phone being the worst of them all, but it was stuck in my pocket. "Yeah, I got that, thanks," I replied to his question.
Holding up a remote, I hit the button and we watched as the massive garage door to my house opened. Static let out a low whistle and set my stuff back down before he walked through. The place I bought was out in the Catalina Foothills and it was a veritable mansion. The living area of the home sat on top a story of the house that was dedicated solely to a garage. I had my various vehicles parked inside. A few had made the trip with me from Idaho, the others I'd bought when I'd come to town a few weeks ago. I had a thing for gorgeous machinery. Sitting near the back was a brand-new Harley.
"That's what you're going to be riding?" Static asked, pointing at it.
He laughed, shaking his head. "It's not even broken in yet."
I rolled my eyes. I'd been riding since we were kids and he knew it. "Fuck off."
"She's a beaut." He paused then looked over at me. "It's really good to have you home, Bro."
I leaned back against my Jag and grinned at him. "Thanks. Feels damn good to be here." Leave it up to Static to be that kind of friend. He always had been. He was the only one who knew what had really happened between me and Liam. And he'd never let the truth slip because I asked him not to.
"It's going to take some time," he warned.
"I'm aware. I don't have anywhere to be. All my obligations are wrapped up and anything that comes up I can deal with here as easily as I can in Boise." We'd kept in touch over the years, and I'd kept close tabs on him, but I wanted to hear it from his own mouth. "Why'd you wait so long to join the MC?"
He sighed. "Been fucking busy. You know?"
Nodding, I watched the emotion spread over his face before he locked it down. I knew all about being busy. There was more to the story, but I'd let him spill that information when and where he was ready. Shifting, I tugged at the jeans I was wearing.
"The fuck are you doing?"
"I haven't worn jeans in..." I tried to think back. It had been a long fucking time.
"Totally get the three-piece suit thing, but didn't you wear them on your days off?"
The smirk was there before I knew it was forming. "What days off?"
Static's eyes narrowed. "I was working sixteen hour days for years, but I still had days off."
Shrugging, I shoved off the car. "Too much to do."
"Fuck, Levi."
"Idaho," I reminded him. "Seriously? The man from Idaho?"
He chuckled. "Most of the guys didn't know who you were and I had to call you something. Lock about loses his shit if I even mention your name so it seemed easier that way."
Shaking my head, I picked my bags back up and headed out to toss them in Static's car. He'd brought it so I could drive the bike back to the clubhouse. On the way over he explained everything that was going down with Fremont and how they'd disposed of their mafia problem. I was impressed with what my brother had accomplished. He was a damn good MC President and he'd done well for himself. I was proud of him, but I wasn't sure if I'd ever be able to tell him that.
When we got back to the clubhouse, Riptide was waiting for me. He handed me a cut and grinned. "You're going to need this."
Static laughed as I took it from him. Turning it around, I looked down at the patch that read: Prospect. I hadn't been lying before. It didn't bother me to be starting at the bottom. It was how I began my career in the military. How I started in business. This was just another thing I was going to conquer. I just had to make sure these men liked and trusted me when it was all said and done.