Page 66 of Idaho
"He was speeding," the officer replied, watching them with suspicion.
"Bullshit," Lockout snapped.
"Lock," Static muttered, trying to get my brother to calm down.
"It's bullshit," Lock repeated. "Rip was driving home with his wife and brand-new baby. I guarantee you he wasn't fucking speeding."
"Wait here," I told Eva. Looking over at the others, I asked, "Keep an eye on her?"
"Sure thing, Prospect," Toxic said with a wide smile. He patted his thigh. "Here's your seat right here, Sweetheart."
I narrowed my eyes on him. "Don't fucking touch her." Glancing over at Priest, I silently asked for his help. To Eva I said, "Seriously, don't touch him. You don't know where he's been."
Hush shoved Toxic, nearly knocking him off the little plastic and metal chairs that reminded me of the shit we had in school when we were young. "Quit fuckin' with him. Now's not the time."
Eva went to sit between Priest and Toxic as I approached the front desk. "Hey," I said to Lock as Static continued to speak with the cop.
Lock raked a hand through his hair, looking stressed as fuck. "Thanks for coming. Not sure what to do here. They fucking left us alone for months, and their first move is to pull over Rip and drag him out of the car and arrest him in front of Sloane."
"She okay?" I asked, looking around.
"She's out in the car. Ricochet, Smoke, and Hell are with her."
Nothing would happen to her, or the baby, with those three around. Hellfire could take on the whole police force himself and do just fine. Meanwhile, Butcher and Hush were standing there, arms crossed, glaring at the cops behind the desk. If looks could kill everyone in this precinct would be dead.
"I'm his lawyer," Static told the cop. "I'd like to see him now."
The guy looked Static up and down. "Don't look much like a lawyer."
"And you don't look much like a man," Toxic called out. "I'd be surprised if your dick was any bigger than your thumb."
"Who brought him along?" I asked with a chuckle as Lockout shot him a look that promised pain if Toxic didn't shut up.
The cop glared at Toxic, but after Static showed him the proper credentials, verifying who he was, the man motioned for him. "Back this way. But only you," he warned.
Static turned and looked at us, worry written all over his face. "I don't know what the plan is," he muttered, "but I've got this covered if you want to get started on that."
"I'll leave Priest and Smoke here with you," Lock told him. When Static started to argue, Lock shook his head. "If Fremont is back on our asses, no one goes anywhere alone."
Static nodded, then followed the cop into the back. We walked over to the others and Lock looked over at Priest. "You and Smoke watch out for Static and Rip as much as you can."
"No problem, Prez," Priest told him, crossing his arms over his chest. "Where are you guys going?"
"To visit the mayor," I said with a grin.
Priest's lips quirked upward. "Damn sorry to be missing that."
"Just watch out for them, alright?" Lock said. "And keep your head on a fucking swivel. I wouldn't put it past any of these bastards to claim you pulled some shit in order to lock you up. Keep Smoke under control."
"Will do."
Lock motioned for the rest of us to follow him outside. Once we met up with the others near the cage ride where Sloane was sitting tucked inside with her new baby, Lock started handing out assignments. "Smoke go inside with Priest. Keep it cool and calm," he ordered. Hellfire snorted in amusement, but didn't comment. "Hell, Ricochet. Get Sloane and the baby home. Let the other women know what happened so they can sit with her."
The men agreed and waited for him to keep speaking.
"Hush, Idaho, you're with me. Apparently, we're going to see the mayor." His tone was sarcastic since this was my plan and I hadn't let him in on it yet.
"What about us, Lock?" Toxic asked, motioning to him and Butcher.