Page 70 of Idaho
Butcher and Hellfire came back through the door. "Everyone's good over there," Hellfire announced.
"We have..." Kit grimaced when Jenny came back from the spare bedroom and shook her head. Keely wasn't in there. "A problem."
"What kind of problem," Hellfire asked, looking around.
"Keely's gone."
"Gone?" Butcher barked. Everyone shushed him, looking over at the baby. Noelle was happily snuggled against her mama and didn't bother to wake at the loud sound. "Weren't you watching them?" Butcher demanded, glaring at Toxic.
"Course I was, but," he shrugged, "might have detoured for a beer. It was only a minute."
"I'll go check her apartment," Dani offered, standing. "Maybe she slipped out to grab the gift she got for the baby."
"I'll go with you," Ricochet said, snagging his sandwich on the way. He gave Jordan a wink as he went.
We waited in silence the few minutes it took for them to go down the hall and come back. When they returned Ricochet was frowning. "She's not there either."
"Toxic, stay here with the women," Butcher said. "You two, with me. Spread out and search the compound for her."
"Her car is gone," Gwen announced from where she was standing next to the window.
"What?" Hellfire asked. "Where the hell would she have gone?"
The women looked around at each other and in unison announced, "To the police station."
"Shit," Butcher muttered. "Why can't anyone stay put when they're told to."
"Now you know how Lock feels," Toxic pointed out.
Butcher scowled at him. "That's Lockout's problem. I'm a grown fucking man and don't need to be babysat."
"And we're grown women," Dani said, "that doesn't keep you all from treating us like we need someone looking over our shoulders at all times."
"How many of you have been kidnapped?" Toxic asked with a sly grin.
"Shut up!" Every woman yelled in unison.
"Can't blame us for protecting what's ours," Hellfire replied, taking the heat off Toxic. "It's in our natures. You knew that when you started dating and married us." He was speaking to the group, but his eyes were on Kit. His usual jovial nature was gone, replaced with a grim air of danger.
I had a feeling if someone tried to come into the clubhouse now and start any trouble these men would happily pulverize them. "I could call Thomas," I offered. "See if he can go to the police station and watch over her."
"Priest and Smoke are still there," Hellfire reminded me. "They'll look out for her."
"Lock's going to strangle her," Ricochet muttered.
"He can't keep her confined here," Dani snapped. "She's not dating any of you guys."
"We're just trying to keep her safe," Toxic said. "Just like we do with you guys...uh women."
"And we appreciate that so much," Sloane told him in a soft voice.
"But Keely wants to help, and if she can get Rip out faster, I don't see the harm," Jordan stated.
"The harm," Butcher growled, "is that she left without anyone knowing."
"She snuck out," Hellfire added, "because she knew we'd stop her."
"With Fremont causing trouble again, it's not safe for anyone to go out alone," Ricochet added.