Page 75 of Idaho
"What?" Priest asked. Then he stopped, shocked when Lockout grabbed Keely, manhandling her until she was leaning over his bike.
"Uh oh," all the men around me repeated in unison.
"Smoke's about to lose five bucks," Rip said
"Lockout, what the fuck are you doing?" Keely demanded, trying to push off his bike, but he was holding her down with one hand on her lower back.
"You want to be treated like a kid? Fine. Kids get their asses spanked." He lifted his free hand and brought it down hard on her jean-clad ass.
Keely gasped, then started shouting again. "Let me up! Let me up right now!"
He smacked her other cheek and she yelped this time. She was struggling hard, but he was a lot stronger than her.
I winced in sympathy. I'd gotten my fair share of spankings as a kid, and even as a young adult when I'd pissed off my father enough to warrant it. Which was often. Of course our dad had used a belt. Clearing my throat, I called out, "Lock."
He froze, hand in the air, chest heaving as he tried to regain control of himself. Blowing out a breath, he released Keely and waited for her to finish as she pounded her fists into his chest and cussed him out. There was a look of resignation on his face. "Look," he said as soon as she tired out. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But you fucking put yourself at risk and-"
"And nothing," she snarled. "You don't get to tell me what to do, Lockout." She backed up a few steps, shaking her head. "I've had a decision to make, and you just made it really easy for me."
Lock's eyes narrowed on her back as she stormed over to her car. He followed after her, grabbing her arm again and spinning her to face him. He pinned her against the car searching her face. "What decision?"
"Let me go, Lock," she spat.
The girl was brave, I'd give her that. There were few men who'd go toe to toe with Lockout in this mood. They knew better. She just kept egging him on. I saw the minute my brother hit his breaking point. His mouth slammed down on hers. She froze in shock, but before long they were making out in the parking lot like horny teenagers.
Glancing over, I saw the other guys had spun around and were busy studying the police station. This was the president of their club. They owed him respect. But for me? First and foremost, he was my brother. My twin. And man was I going to give him an unending amount of shit for this. Knowing him as well as I did, it was easy to see he'd been fighting his attraction to Keely for some time. He was better at that than me. I had an ungodly amount of patience for business. But for Eva? I couldn't seem to rein in my feelings.
I frowned, staring down at the ground—it would be weird for me to stare at my twin while he rubbed himself all over a woman—as I realized that somehow Eva had slipped past my guard. It wasn't just lust. Though there was plenty of that as well. I had actual feelings for the woman. I swore, rubbing my hand over my chest. How had that fucking happened? I hadn't wanted to let anyone in since...well, since my mother died.
"You alright?" Hush asked quietly.
"Fine," I replied.
"We're going back to the clubhouse," Lock called over to us, his voice husky from his make out session. He and Keely were busy glaring at everything but each other.
"Think he's going to do something about that?" Rip asked me.
"Nope," I replied. "He's going to do his best to shove those feelings of his as deep as he can and try to treat her like she doesn't matter."
Smoke sighed. "I think most of us understand why he'd do that," he admitted.
"Yup," all three men responded.
I frowned, studying my brother as he held the door open for an angry Keely. He looked like he wanted to strangle her, then fuck her, then possibly repeat the process. It would be hilarious if I wasn't realizing that I was doing the exact same damn thing with my feelings for Eva as he was. At least I was in good company if the rest of them had a habit of doing that as well. Only, these guys were married, engaged, and having babies. Just the thought of that made my chest tighten and gave me the urge to bolt.
"Let's go," I said, shoving those thoughts aside.
"Should we do somethin' about them?" Hush asked as we got on our bikes.
"I wouldn't," I told him. "You're just going to put yourself in the line of fire."
"We'll try later," Rip suggested.
"After he's cooled off," Priest said with a chuckle.
We followed Keely's car back to the clubhouse and I didn't miss the way Lock watched her storm off into the building. His jaw clenched so hard I was surprised I didn't hear teeth cracking. He turned to face us when she disappeared inside.
"Church in ten minutes," he barked. Before any of us could respond he turned and walked away.