Page 37 of Static
My laugh was strained. "Sloane?"
"How do you learn to trust again?" I was staring at the table. "I think I want that, but every time it seems like I'm making progress, I get knocked back down."
"It starts with finding a man you know is trustworthy," she replied. Her eyes sparkled as I peeked over at her. "I think you know you have."
"Why would he sign up for this?" I motioned to myself. "I'm broken."
"He doesn't seem to mind," Jordan said, her tone defensive. She didn't like when I talked badly about myself. I didn't either, but it was this new thing I was doing. I needed to fix that, too.
"I don't know why." I sighed.
"We do," Eva told me.
"Yeah," they chorused.
"Just...try not to push him away," Sloane offered.
"Yeah, and let him take the lead," Jordan added.
"These bikers are good at that," Seek said. "When they want you, they'll do whatever is needed to get you to be theirs."
"It might take them a while," Kit replied with a laugh, sharing a commiserative look with Seek, "but they do get there."
"Are you sure he wants me?" I asked.
"Did any other biker kick down your door to douse you with water, get you naked, and then fall asleep with you in their arms?" Dani asked, tone innocent, even as a wicked smile played over her lips.
I blinked at that. "No."
"And they won't," Daisha said with a laugh.
"Nope," Tori agreed, "because they all know you belong to Static."
Looking around at them, I shook my head in doubt. "I don't know."
"Just do us one favor-" Seek said.
"Two," Jordan interrupted.
"Fine, two," Seek amended. "Follow where Static leads."
"And don't let your fear make you take a step back," Sloane said. "Static would never hurt you. He's crazy about you."
"And your kids," Jordan added.
My heart softened as I thought about the way he'd been with Sean and Grace. "Okay," I agreed. "I'll try."
They all whooped with excitement, then settled as Noelle started fussing.
"Sorry," Seek said with a wince. "That's why I left Sawyer with Hush."
"Where are all the guys?" I asked. "Static got a call and stumbled out of here so fast I didn't get a chance to ask."
"Pretty sure Lock is torturing them for drinking so much last night," Kit said.
"And making him take care of them," Eva said with a laugh. "That's what Idaho said anyway."