Page 12 of My May
“June, I thought you were off today. June, these are my sisters.” I don’t bother with their names because she knows the whole story.
“Ha. June, huh? She might be our sister, too,” March says, joking. that We all laugh, but I notice June doesn’t. She attempts a smile, but it doesn’t reach her eyes completely. Interesting.
Once the tour is over, we all go out for lunch and invite June. We end up at this popular diner Guy went to on DDD, and I have been dying to eat here, but it closes when I am off and opens only when I am working.
“So, June, tell us about you.” Her hand stops halfway to her mouth, and it looks like she got caught stealing.
“June, you don’t…” I want to save her from our prying, but she smiles at me and shakes her head.
“It’s okay, May. I don’t mind.”
“Oh my gosh. I didn’t mean to be nosy. You don’t have to answer. I think our journey has made us all inquisitive and a little insensitive to the privacy of others. I am so sorry,” April rattles off.
“No, it's fine. I probably should talk about it. It might make it hurt less.” I place my hand on hers for support. “I was given up for adoption at birth. That’s it. I know nothing.”
“So, did you grow in foster care?”
“No. I was born in a small town in Montana. At the time there was a commune there. They called themselves All of His Children. The Children of God, but without all of the other stuff. They adopted kids from foster homes and gave us homes and education. We knew none of them were our parents, and they didn’t pretend to be. They just wanted to instill morals and stability in us.” Whoa.
“So not a cult?” January asks, shoving a fry in her mouth.
“Jan!” we all exclaim at her.
“What? I'm sorry. I spend all day watching documentaries and People magazine cults.” She shrugs, and I can’t help laughing. She is a mess.
“You ladies are a riot. No. Not a cult. Actually when I met May and she told you ladies' journey, it gave me courage to submit my DNA to the database. Who knows, maybe I will find something.” She says it so nonchalantly, but I can see the hope in her eyes.
“Speaking of DNA, have you told Logan yet?”
“Great segway, March.” Picking up my milkshake, I roll my eyes.
“Told Logan what?” June asks, looking back and forth between all of us.
“I’m pregnant,” I say, blushing.
“Well, hell, May. This has the most interesting lunch ever." Yeah, tell me about it. Something is tickling the back of my mind. I just don’t know what it is. “So what is our next step?” she asks, still smirking at us.
“Well, looks like I am going to be a cup thief.” Oh, brother.
I had a date planned, but May had other plans. When I got home tonight, she was naked on the couch.
“What’s this, baby?” I ask, amused.
“I thought we could stay in tonight.”
“Of course,” I say, thinking that she looks pale. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I just want to make love all night. I also made your favorite.”
“You didn’t?” I question. May loves to cook, but she doesn’t exactly like to make my favorite food because it takes so much to make it.
“Of course I did. Italian Roulade is what you love, so I stopped at the store and got everything I needed, and salad stuff.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” I tell her. I wish I could tell her she didn’t need to exhaust herself like that, but I have no reason to, because she won’t fucking tell me.