Page 69 of The Lucky One
“Emi,” Paul said calmly. Almost too calmly. “This time it was me assaulting someone. I could get in huge trouble for this.”
I sank back onto the couch. “But it was self-defense.”
Paul sighed. “I threw the first punch... The only punches, actually.”
I looked down at my hands, not knowing what to say. I knew Gena and Henry were looking for a therapist for him. I thought he was getting better, but apparently, I should think less and ask more. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Paul sighed again and leaned his elbows on his knees. “I’ve broken my head over what this could be about... I don’t want to believe it, but the only thing I can think of is that Jon has something to do with it.”
I swallowed. I didn’t want to think it, but my intuition was telling me the same thing. Jon was... connected to a bad crowd. Paul wasn’t.
“Do you think you could try and talk to him about this?” Paul requested. I nodded against the lump in my throat. “Thank you,” he said. “I know it’s not easy for you.”
“You deserve answers,” I whispered, feeling like I was betraying Jon somehow. The two of us got up. I took a step closer to him—but then back because hugging him would go against what we’d settled on.
He grinned. “Don’t be a dummy.” And pulled me into his arms. It wasn’t a long hug—it was the kind of quick clasp friends do to say goodbye. And it wasn’t enough... My worry for him, it made me want to hold him, as if my embrace could keep him safe. I was so scared.
“Thank you for telling me all this,” I said instead. “I’m glad we can still... talk about everything.”
He nodded. “Would be great if you could start doing that more often too.”
That stung. But I knew he didn’t say it to get back at me. “I’ll try.”
I started to head out, but then turned around. “You think we can do this? Find a way to become totally normal around each other?”
“We’ll never be totally normal. But I don’t want that anyway, because you’re part of my family.”
He came up and threw his arms around me again, more tightly this time. Relieved, I returned the hug, feeling his safety in my arms. When we pulled apart, I felt better. “You’re my family too.” I smiled, my eyes tearing up a bit. “Oh, I almost forgot, but Gena and Henry asked if you want to watch football on TV right now?”
“There’s a game on?” Paul gasped and sprinted to his phone. “Fuck, it’s almost halftime!”
“Then c’mon.” I nodded to the door but Paul hesitated.
“I don’t feel like giving them an explanation. I mean, I’ll tell them something, but just not tonight.” He looked down at his hands. Blood was seeping through his bandages.
“You want me to stay down here and we can watch it together?” I asked.
He shook his head. “Nah, you go up and I’ll text from down here.”
I smiled in agreement and rushed back upstairs with a lighter chest.
“Where’s Paul?” Henry immediately asked.
“I tried to convince him but he’s too tired.” A lie despite my new rules for myself. But this lie wasn’t for me—it was for Paul, and that made it acceptable. His parents didn’t question it, just filled me in on what I’d missed.
My phone buzzed and I grinned: a message from Jon lit up my screen.
Arschloch: Hey babe, I picked up Lauren, and she kept her promise and didn’t drink or do anything stupid. There might be hope for this Denson generation after all ;)
Me: Lauren isn’t the only one making me hopeful <3
Arschloch: I love you.
Me: I love you too.
Paul: So, what did I miss in the first half?
Writer’s Block