Page 91 of The Lucky One
“Guys, if you wanna wall-fuck or whatever, get a room.”
It was Aiden, with Brandon by his side. Jon and I stepped apart.
“What’s up, German?” Brandon greeted me with a broad smile. “Long time no see.”
“We see each other every other day in US History,” I reminded him.
“Yeah, but you only have eyes for Jon. And me for Hannah. Life is good.” He winked and said a hasty goodbye as he noticed Hannah’s fiery red hair down the hall.
Jon and I both laughed, but Aiden blew out a huge amount of air. “You guys are exhausting.”
“Feeling lonely?” Jon said.
“With all the drama you guys have, I’d rather be a bit lonely than put my blood pressure through this.” Aiden waved and walked away.
“Speaking of blood pressure,” Jon said to me, “you have your appointment with the gynecologist today, right?”
“I do.” I grinned like mad.
“Fuck, finally!” Jon pumped his fist in the air like he’d won a championship.
“So what are your plans for today?” I asked, turning to my locker to get my book.
He dropped his arm. “I’m getting my ass interrogated at the doctor’s too.”
“Already?” I gasped.
“When my mother wants something she can be convincing.” He smiled. “Kinda like you.”
“Every reason that makes it easier for you to stay sober is a blessing.”
He put his thumb on my chin. “I only need one reason to stay strong.”
“You’re so corny,” I said, even though blood had shot into my ears.
Jon made a funny face. “I was going to say tacos, but—”
“Hey!” I laughed and nudged him.
“You’re right after tacos. I promise.” He leaned in close for a kiss.
“I hate you.”
“And I love you, Little German.” We kissed deeper, and the ground below me vanished as my knees turned into annoyingly soft butter. Intimacy, commitment and passion. We were the triangular theory of love.
“So much,” I exhaled, and Jon traced his way into my mouth with his tongue. Breathing me in like oxygen.
“Now go to the fucking doctor so I can finally make love to you until we forget those fucking drugs.”
“With pleasure.”
He kissed my cheeks and we walked down the hall toward our separate classes, our hands slowly slipping apart when it was time to part ways. I grinned after him like a little kid, watching him until he turned the corner.
Looking away, I noticed we had an audience. A few girls gaped in my direction—but their eyes weren’t on me at all. Breana had her tongue down Jackson’s throat. Madison’s boyfriend. Or maybe ex-boyfriend? I had no idea. I debated whether to tell Breana or walk away.
I sighed. Despite my dislike for Madison, I couldn’t just ignore what was unfolding. I went up to Breana and tapped her shoulder. “Breana?”
She pulled away from Jackson with an annoyed frown. “Can’t you see that I’m busy here?”