Page 15 of Under His Wings
Zach blinked at me but then he gave a slight smile.
“I suppose... his singing voice is atrocious. It’s a good thing the fabled angelic choir isn’t really a thing.”
“Ha! Imagine if the Archangels burst into a song during one of their showy proclamations when they gather everybody in Heaven who won’t hide fast enough.”
“I don’t know, maybe it would be good. I have heard Michael has quite a nice voice. He should do a rap battle against Lucifer.”
I would have snorted with laughter at the vision had it been anyone but Michael. As it was, my smile twisted into some kind of unidentifiable grimace. Zach noticed. Of course he did. Fuck, I didn’t want to make it about myself. I would be damned before I would let the specter of the man who burned my wings ruin this, the trust my angel was putting in me by sharing even a glimpse of his troubles.
“You know what we should do next time? Some ice-cream and a movie bad enough we can throw popcorn at the screen.”
“Are we going to paint each other’s nails as well?” Zach raised an amused brow.
“You bet. I’m totally bringing some nail polish next time. Now, what is the worst movie you have watched? I bet we can find something even worse to verbally eviscerate.”
Thankfully, I had managed to steer the conversation into safer waters and, as the evening progressed and our meals vanished, Zach started looking more comfortable, looser, not as gloomy as before. I had questions burning a hole in my tongue; about the dreaming and the loss of memory, which was an iceberg I had barely seen the top of, but I decided to prioritize Zach’s wellbeing over my curiosity. If I made myself available and gave him a safe space to express himself I was hoping he would tell me more one day, as much as he himself knew at least, but it didn’t need to be today. I enjoyed our light-hearted banter and unassuming companionship.
When we left the restaurant, after hours together, I walked Zach home. I fidgeted in front of the door to the building, unsure. Was his mood improved enough I should make another attempt at getting what I came here for? Should I even accept if Zach offered?
I didn’t have to worry; the angel saw straight through me and cupped my cheek with a gentle hand.
“This was our first date. It would be improper to invite you in,” Zach teased. “But there’s one thing I can give you on a first date. Do you want it?” He whispered against my lips, nearly brushing against them.
What a question! Of course I wanted to kiss him!
So, I did. I pulled the smug bastard in and took his mouth in a ferocious kiss. I ignored how I had to stand on my tiptoes to do that and concentrated on the dirty slide of tongues. The way Zach seemed to pour all his frustrations of the day into the slick battle between us sent a shiver of want down my spine. I gave as good as I got but somehow when the angel pulled back and said, “Goodnight, Hellion.” before vanishing into the building, it still felt as if he won that battle.
Chapter 9
I thought learning why Zachariel had nightmares would be enough. But the revelation that he was a rare human made angel, an Ascended, turned out to only be the beginning of the mystery and I couldn’t stop poking at it. It’s not as though I dedicated all my time and resources to the problem, but I may have made a few promises of favors if my contacts provided me with information about the movements of a certain hyperactive, newly Ascended demon and his gold-horned ever-present minder. It took a few weeks but I finally got the awaited signal. The pair were at the market once more.
And this time I was prepared.
From my previous observations and what I overheard I knew one important thing: Auriolus was obsessed with fashion.
So, it was expected he would inevitably drift towards the portion of the market where textiles and clothes were on offer. I prepared by getting myself a crash course in textiles – not enough to truly have deep knowledge but enough to ask the right questions – and waited.
“Hmm, I’m not sure if this fabric is the right fit. Which one do you think would fit a white-and-blue ensemble with silver accents?” I lifted the two fabrics up to show them to the vendor, very aware of Auriolus’ proximity.
“Why not buy two!” The seller said cheerfully. “Both of those are of highest quality!”
“Just buying double the fabric when you have a specific project in mind is the stupidest idea I have ever heard,” a voice to my left piped up with indignation. Gotcha! “Sure, I may have done it myself, but thanks to that I can save you, poor soul, from repeating my mistakes. Tell me more about your project and I will help you choose something suitable.”
It was like dealing with an excitable puppy. The guy positively beamed at me.
“Hello, hi, I’m Hellion,” I smiled at him and gave him my hand to shake. Some demons didn’t like this human method of introduction and were set in the old ways, such as bowing in greeting, but as I knew I was dealing with an Ascended I was not surprised when he gladly shook my hand.
“The name’s Auriolus. Now, tell me about your project. Sorry to rush you but I may not have much time,” he sent a glance over his shoulder where Abaddon was talking with someone over at the next stall.
“That’s alright, I will be glad for any assistance you can give. So, you know how some angels go all white purity and peerless elegance in their wardrobe? I want to create something like that. For myself.”
“How scandalous!” Auriolus gasped, his eyes shining. “I already have so many ideas.”
He shared many of those with me but, as predicted, Abaddon pulled him away before we were really done. Which gave me an excuse to wave at Auriolus the next time we met, this time just passing each other on the street when he was accompanied by a demon with wonderful horns made of malachite. Slowly but surely I inserted myself into Auriolus’s life over the next weeks and got him more invested in my project.
The hurdle on my path came in the form of Abaddon pinning me to the wall of the back alley during the Reverly Day, a Hell-wide yearly celebration of all the sin. He intercepted me before I reached Auriolus and pulled me away before the younger demon could notice me.
“What do you want with my charge?” The powerful demon snarled and I won’t lie, my knees trembled with instinctual fear. “If you do anything to hurt him...”