Page 30 of Sinful Pride
Everyone crowded around Aurelius and the fox, expecting some cute interactions. I knew from my visits to Michael and Lucifer’s place the fox was easy to please and unafraid to climb you like a tree to get some scritches, so I didn’t expect any trouble with this task.
Then I saw the fear in Aurelius’ eyes.
“Good… good doggy… good foxy…” Aurelius said as Bane tilted his head curiously.
A drop of sweat started making its way down the demon’s temple as he swallowed hard and slowly crouched down to be on the animal’s level. Aurelius extended his hand towards the fox but flinched away as the animal reacted by perking up.
He was afraid of the little thing, yet he still pushed himself to befriend Bane. For me. He was doing this for me.
The fox looked confused, but he waited patiently for Aurelius to gather himself and try again. Seeing the extended hand, the fox wriggled forward and pressed his snout into it. The demon’s body froze. He looked deathly afraid and I couldn’t stand it.
I pushed to the front and called out to my intended.
“It’s alright, I wouldn’t let anything hurt you,” I said and Aurelius took a shuddering breath. “Did I ever tell you how I domesticated a wolf pack?”
I launched into a story from my past, one of the tales I kept close to my heart. But for Aurelius I was willing to make an exception for the first time in my life and share the tale even with people I didn’t know. Just like I hoped, the story distracted and calmed Aurelius and with time Bane made his way into his lap and curled up, content. Aurelius’ trembling hand stroked his fur.
“Well, that seems to be a firm ‘yes’. You are a good egg, Aurelius,” Lucifer said softly and picked up his sleepy pet.
A sigh of relief left Aurelius’ lips but his brows knitted together again with worry as he looked at the last person standing in his way. Malachite. The one demon whose approval really mattered to him.
“Hug me,” Malachite said.
“What?” Aurelius startled.
“Hug me,“ Malachite repeated, opening his arms. “That’s all you need to do for me to know you are perfect for my Abaddon.”
He had his arms full of a young ascended demon a second later.
We all pretended not to see how Aurelius’ eyes looked misty as he hugged Malachite for all he was worth.
I needed to hurry things along because that mistiness seemed to be spreading.
“I came here to marry. If anyone else stands in my way, I will kill them. Come, Aurelius.”
My lover threw the fake mustache away with vicious satisfaction, stomping on the offending item for good measure.
We stepped onto the path hand in hand, ready for the last step.
You would think I would remember my own wedding in 8K quality, but the truth was a bit different; I hate to say it, but the entire ordeal passed in a kind of haze. The enchanting evening took on a dreamlike quality for me. It might have had something to do with the atmosphere I created on the island by using beautiful fairy lights, magical flowers, and other decorations that would make any human who saw them think they got lost on a fantasy movie set, or walked into a fairy ring and were transported to the fae realm.
Now, with my faulty memory, I regretted not hiring one of the human photographers I had my eye on to document the ceremony, even if we would have to scramble their brain after they finished the job. But alas, I decided photographing the evening would inevitably lead to immortalizing drunken escapades of the guests or other embarrassing events so I only arranged a photos session at the Manor before the big day.
But even with my spotty recollection there were a few points that had perfect clarity. The first one was me climbing the steps to the stone platform set in the mountain’s side in the middle of the island while watching Abaddon ascend in rhythm with me from the other side, each of our steps perfectly synchronized. Behind my lover Lucifer followed and on my side, Hellion had the uneasy task of keeping my flowing train from touching the ground. In many cultures it was traditional for the bride to be escorted by the family, but I didn’t have one now, maybe not ever, so instead we had our best men escorting us.
In the middle of the platform waited a person important to both of us, the only man who really could give us our blessings, Malachite. He nodded solemnly as we neared and took our place. As the wedding was a show and there were hundreds of eyes on us, we decided against facing away from the crowd. Instead, we stood in a triangle-like formation, me and Abaddon facing each other, the fairy lights flickering around us as Malachite spoke.
“We are gathered here today to join Abaddon and Aurelius in matrimony. If anyone has anything to say against this marriage, you can say your piece now and face consequences later.”
Resolutely, no one voiced any objections, not even the rude trickster, Beelzebub. It might have something to do with how three Archangels hovered menacingly over the demon who stood with his arms crossed, pouting at not being allowed to create chaos.
“As no one objects, let us proceed. This bond you will create today is a thread that will bind you forever. Please, say your vows to each other.”
The next part was a blur again, but I have practised my vows so fervently I had all the words forever etched in my brain. And as nobody told me what a fool I made of myself by tripping over my words, I had to assume I said my part perfectly, even if stress was eating me from inside.
“I want to learn about your past and experience the echoes of it every day with you. But I want to know what the future with you feels like even more. I promise you, Abaddon, that I will stitch us together so tightly no one, no force in Hell, Heaven, or beyond, can separate us, can break the connection between us. I am yours, forever.”