Page 32 of Sinful Pride
“Yeah, well, I’ll be even happier when I don’t have any accidents,” I said. “Okay, you want me to put something there, anything, right? A few lines which will become the base of a pattern signifying our union,” I mused, ideas unfurling slowly in my mind like flowers.
I glanced at the paint colors and spotted gold. There was no doubt I had to use that one; gold was my signature color, after all. As for Abaddon, either black or purple would do. We were still clad in our second set of more informal clothes that kept to the theme of black, white, and red, so I decided to use black this time, as it would work better than purple with the other hues from this color palette.
Colors chosen, I just had to figure out the shape of what I was going to paint. A simple concept would work best, so I didn’t have to fear not doing it justice. Abaddon twined his fingers with mine as I contemplated my choices. The sight of our dark and light skin contrasting as our fingers intertwined gave me an idea.
Two lines wrapped around each other, intertwining gold and black, dancing together in perfect step with each other, just as we did earlier today. I dipped the brush into the gold paint and put it to the wall, creating a wavy vertical line. I let it set, then I switched to black, creating a line that mirrored the golden one. The loops were intersecting, forever joined, even when they pulled apart. It wasn’t much, just the beginning, but my heart soared at the privilege I had been given. Those two lines were more precious than Mona Lisa, than the diamond dress Marylin Monroe wore, than anything.
When I looked at Abaddon, I saw not even an ounce of regret for letting me deface his holy ritual. He was just as proud of those two lines as I was.
Suddenly, I wasn’t tired anymore. I wanted to curl myself around my husband, to test what else we could intertwine together. Hungrily, I pulled him into a kiss. Who needed a wedding bed? I could confirm our marriage anywhere.
And later…
Chapter 12
The wedding venue was truly wonderful. The middle of the island Michael and Lucifer graciously let the grooms use was decorated with verdant colorful flowers and beautiful fairy lights adding to the enchanting atmosphere. What was even more magical, was hundreds of angels and demons mixing together as if it was a normal, everyday thing. I have never been among so many people from our opposing sides just mingling. Most I have seen previously was at the bachelor party, or the times I visited Steel Velvet – though I always kept those visits short, scurrying through the club to fetch Nathaniel, or Kreshadon, or some other guest when they were needed while I tried not to look too closely at what was happening around me. Thinking of Steel Velvet made me reminiscent of the recent night of depravity. I shook my head to clear my mind.
Anyway, the wedding.
The scenes I saw in front of me now were the proof of the Embassy, our efforts to bring peace and prosperity, actually working. We were making a difference! Of course, it helped that Michael and Lucifer got together and buried the hatchet but, even before that unexpected situation, we have been making progress. Now, with the open approval of the rulers of Hell and Heaven, who wanted both sides to work together, the Embassy’s job was so much easier.
Of course, the strife between angels and demons was still alive, as the conflicts often were not only political but also personal. Humans and their prevalent wars had nothing on the thousand years of old grudges demons and angels held against each other. But those who wanted to talk and laugh and dance with the other side could do it today, here and now.
Well, some demons wanted to do more than that as well.
I stiffened when a hand squeezed my behind, but I didn’t jump like I did the first time Beelzebub surprised me like this. After being touched by him so many times today (so many, I was going crazy) I learned to expect it. As the evening progressed, I admit I started to crave the attention. The fact Beelzebub was wasting his time on teasing me when he could have stayed with any of the rambunctious groups and have fun with people who weren’t too shy to dance, and tell jokes, and drink. It made me feel in some kind of way, the warmth in my chest an almost alien feeling I refused to properly examine. Still, I enjoyed every moment Beelzebub returned to bother me with his kisses and little touches which drove me up the wall. And when he wasn’t wrapped around me I watched him quietly, trying to understand the enigmatic creature that was Beelzebub.
It was fascinating to see how such a dangerous person, who didn’t bother to hide his claws, could be so good at gathering information. Beelzebub had animal magnetism that made him fascinating and enchanting. Enjoying being in his presence was a bit like enjoying watching a horror movie; the spike of fear he could invoke, his words just waiting to spring like a trap around the protagonist, heart beating fast in anticipation… It was like the moment the music changed, and you knew bad things were going to happen but you still held your breath because you wanted to see the exact shape the cruelty would take. Yeah, dealing with Beelzebub felt like that. Especially when he reached for me from the darkness, a hand over my mouth to silence my scream, and dragged me away to a secluded dark corner between two large stones. That memory lived rent free in my mind.
Now that insistent blackened hand was sneaking under my clothes.
“I have a little gift for you. Are you ready for it?” Beelzebub’s voice shivered down my spine.
“Yes,” I said without a thought.
Ready? I was ready hours ago. Ready to be touched. Yes, yes, yes, my mind chanted.
“So eager. Maybe I should wait until tomorrow… Hah! Your face! Alright, don’t look at me like that. I promise; after I give you your gift, I will tell you how to earn what you want.”
I felt like I wanted many things at this moment, but being granted even one of those sounded like a blessing, so I nodded. Then nuzzled into the demon’s hand.
He let me do that, his expression amused, before he broke the tender moment by pulling me harshly towards a table-like surface carved into the stone.
“This place looks like a perfect spot for a sacrifice, don’t you think?” The archdemon asked cheerfully.
My back hit the cold stone, and I hissed. Beelzebub started taking off my pants but let them pull around my ankles, too impatient with taking off my boots.
“I need to prepare your tight little hole, but I don’t think you’re gonna like my claws up there… not yet anyway… so make yourself useful, angel.”
I took the professed small bottle of lube with no complaint. Concentrating on my new task allowed me to slow down my mind, which was racing with ideas. Is he going to give me what I want, is he going to hurt me… I regretted not warming the lube properly as I spread it around my hole. A hiss left me at the cold feeling, but I didn’t want to make Beelzebub wait, so I prepared myself as fast as possible, pointedly avoiding my prostate. One finger sank in easily, while the second one provided a stretch, my soft insides relaxing slowly as I fingered myself, little huffs of air escaping my mouth. I tried to put the third finger in, but a blackened hand stopped me.
“That’s enough,” Beelzebub growled.
It’s definitely not enough, I thought deliriously, the image of Beelzebub stripping his cock over me flashing in my mind.