Page 6 of Lone Star Protector
Jordana’s chin whipped up. “I married a man I love. A man who loves me. And he was wrongfully convicted.”
“Beg to differ on that last part, and I’ve got the scars to prove it,” Caroline muttered.
She saw Nash flinch just a little and understood it hurt for him to be reminded of what his brother had done. It didn’t matter that Nash hadn’t been part of the attack, and he sure as heck hadn’t condoned it. It also didn’t matter either that he’d basically disowned Bodie before that godawful night. Nash still felt responsible, maybe believing he could have done something to stop it even though he hadn’t been within a thousand miles of the attack.
Later, Caroline would tell him that she didn’t blame him. But for now, she had to deal with his sister-in-law. A woman who was possibly delusional. Then again, she’d heard of other seemingly stable women marrying inmates.
“You lied to the police about your so-called attack,” Jordana insisted. “That’s why Bodie went to jail.”
All right, maybe not unstable, but rather gullible to believe a man who was behind bars for attempted murder. Caroline didn’t bother to try to set her straight, but she wondered how Mrs. McKenna would react if she hiked up her top and showed her the thirteen scars from the stab wounds on her torso.
While she was debating doing just that, Caroline heard the wail of a police siren in the distance. So, the cavalry was on the way. Probably her mother, too, and it twisted at her to think that her place, her sanctuary, would soon be crawling with people.
Maybe one of them a would-be killer.
“Where is Bodie?” Jordana repeated.
“You tell me,” Caroline countered. “What makes you think he would come here? I mean, since you don’t believe he tried to murder me.”
The woman’s mouth tightened. “He might feel as if he has to settle an old score with you.”
“Right,” Caroline muttered. “Wonder how many times he plans to try to stab me this time to settle that old score.”
“He didn’t stab you,” the woman shouted, and with the concern amping up on her face, she glanced behind her as the siren grew closer. When she whipped back toward Caroline, the fury had returned to her eyes. “So help me, you’d better not try to manipulate his feelings. You’re a weak spot for Bodie, and I don’t want you trying to brainwash him or something.”
Caroline wanted to laugh. Jesus. What a piece of work. This Jordana idiot and the asshole Bodie deserved each other.
But she immediately rethought that.
She couldn’t wish Bodie on her worst enemy, and while this woman was a delusional pain in the butt, she wasn’t an enemy. In fact, she was someone to be pitied since it was possible Bodie would turn the knife on his bride if he got the chance.
“Oz, continue background info,” Nash said, but this time the AI’s response must have gone through his earbud because Caroline couldn’t hear it.
A cruiser came tearing up the road toward her house. Not a county one but rather San Antonio PD, which was a good forty miles away.
“SAPD probably had a tail on her,” Nash muttered to her. “Jordana’s from San Antonio.”
That made sense. There had to be an intense manhunt going on to find Bodie, and the cops would reason he might go to his wife. Apparently not though since Bodie had taken the exit toward her house. Of course, this could be some kind of ruse by Jordana to try to distract her so that Bodie could sneak up on her.
That sent Caroline firing glances all around her. And she silently cursed. It was already happening. This place she’d carved out for herself was starting to feel no longer safe, and she hated Bodie for that. Of course, she hated him for a lot of reasons, but that was one more to add to the list.
“I’m Detective Malley,” a tall, blond-haired cop said as he bolted from the cruiser. He drew his gun. So did the female brunette in a uniform who came out from the passenger’s side.
“They’re legit,” Nash explained, obviously getting some kind of info through his earpiece. “SAPD sent them out. Detective Jace Malley and Officer Amanda Gonzales.”
“Is Bodie McKenna here?” Malley called out.
That was apparently the question of the day. “Not that I know of,” Caroline settled for saying.
“You’re Caroline Maverick?” Malley asked, and he seemed to do a mental doubletake when his attention landed on Nash. “And you’re Nash McKenna from Maverick Ops.”
It shouldn’t have surprised her that Malley had immediately linked Nash’s name with her mother’s company. Maverick Ops often got a lot of publicity. Mostly good press for the rescues and such they’d done.
“And you’re Bodie’s brother,” Malley added to Nash. “Where is he?”
“No idea whatsoever,” Nash replied. “But his wife seems to believe he’ll be coming here.”
“Not because Bodie still loves her,” Jordana said lightning fast. “He loves me now. He married me.”