Page 5 of How May I Please You
It only takes Journey a few seconds to reply.
I hope your day goes well, too, Sir. Have you met the new people yet?
Yeah. Stanley and Robin. They’re quiet so far but we’ll see how things go.
Cool. Either of them on your crew?
Yeah, Robin’s with us. I put her with Shawn. I hope she knows her shit.
I’m sure she does. Okay, I have to go. Duty calls. Have a great day, Sir. Never forget that I love you.
I love you, Little Devil. Call me later.
Absolutely. Can’t wait.
~ journey ~
I’m sure this is a bad idea, and I expect you'd probably be upset with me for it, but when I set my phone down after texting you, it’s not on my desk at the precinct, it’s in the cupholder of my car. I haven't gone to work yet because ever since you told me you had a new woman joining your crew for this project, I haven't stopped thinking about it. As a result, instead of heading into the office, I followed you to your job site and parked in the back corner of an adjacent lot. I’m sorry, Sir, but I had to see, and now that I have, I have no regrets.
Things between you and I have been so great that I’d be a fool to sit back and let another woman smile in your face and shake your hand. Especially one with red hair and a little button nose. I could tell when you approached her that she wanted you. I could see it in her eyes through my binoculars—it was like she was meeting her favorite rock star. Her demeanor lit up, and the moment her hand reached out to take yours she practically melted in your grasp. You may not have seen it, Evan, but I did. I’m a woman, and women always know. Our intuition is never wrong.
I know you're just doing your job, Sir. I don't blame you. I blame her. You simply wanted to be the best craft lead that Lane Contracting of PA has ever seen, and here comes this little bitch from Lane Contracting of Delaware to try and seduce you. The fucking audacity she must have to touch your skin before sashaying away like that, shaking her ass in the hope that you would watch her go. You didn't, which made me so fucking happy, but the fact that she tried it is enough for me. It’s the principle, Sir.
Even now, as she squats next to your coworker Shawn, she keeps glancing over at you. Shawn is trying to get her to help them set those forms, but she is too busy looking at you. She wants you. She craves what is mine, but you and I are meant to be together. We belong together—I to you and you to me—and I won’t fucking stand for this. I refuse to allow disrespect of our union. No fucking way.
Don’t worry, Sir, I won't do anything to jeopardize your career. It’s not your fault that your new worker is an ugly fucking slut, and I don't mean a slut in the same way that I’m a slut. The contrast is that she’s just a slut, and I am your slut. Big difference. I belong to you and she belongs to no one.
So, she can go on about her day, stealing glances at you every free second she gets, and I’ll wait patiently. I know how long the day will be for you and your crew, my beloved, and I think I’ll have a little introductory meeting of my own. You won’t have to worry about teaching anyone anything, or stress about how well she gets along with the guys you’ve been working with for years. I’ll relieve you of that burden.
Don’t worry about a thing, Sir, I’ll take care of this for you. I’ll make you proud and no one will ever suspect you at all. I’ll take the weight off your shoulders and place it squarely on mine. For us. Today is little Robin’s first day … and her last.
Hey, I’m home. You on your way?
When I sit down on the couch after a long day of overseeing the cutting of forms and staking them in the dirt, I’m relieved that I don't smell like ass and sweat anymore. I’m hot from the shower I just took, but I feel so much better. The beer in my hand is cold and already starting to sweat, but the first sip tastes like heaven on my lips. I sip it again before lifting my phone to check for a response from Journey, but there is none. It’s not uncommon for her to leave the precinct late, but it is uncommon for her to not let me know something has come up and that she’ll be home later than usual.
It’s a dangerous game to play with me, Little One. If I have to track you down, there will be severe consequences both for you and the person who kept you from me.
With a frown, I push my frustration into the pit of my stomach and take another sip of beer, but a sip becomes a gulp, and the gulps occur enough times to finish off two bottles before I hear the sound of keys rattling at the front door. I set my second empty bottle down just as Journey pushes the door open and steps inside.
“Hey,” I say, trying to avoid a bad mood after not getting a response over an hour ago.
Journey closes the door behind her and walks over to me, her arms immediately pulling me in close. As much as I want to shake her until she tells me what took so long, the feeling of her body close to mine takes over, easing away the stress I felt before she arrived. I guess that’s what love does. Even when I want to be mad at her, love makes me relieved that she’s safe and back in my arms where she belongs.
I take my time breathing in her scent. The skin on her forehead is hot when I kiss it and damp from sweat like she has been running. When I pull away to get a good look at her, I can tell her makeup is a little off as well. It’s not smudged, but it has barely visible streaks in it.
“Are you okay?” I ask, curiosity and concern joining forces in my gut.
“I’m fine,” Journey answers, running a finger across her forehead that I notice is slick with sweat when she puts her hand down at her side. “Just had a really long day. Work got tricky there at the end.”
“Clearly,” I reply. “I texted you over an hour ago and you didn't respond.”