Page 12 of Clan and Crave
Conyod grinned at Sletran’s question. They’dbarely scratched the surface of his many fantasies starring theNobek.
“You’re a squad leader and instructor, right?A big deal, in charge of the enlisted men.”
“Hardly a big deal.” His eyes twinkledamusement, a funny look given how hard and pulsing his primary wasin Conyod’s stroking palm.
“Oh? You don’t deal punishment forinfractions?”
“Disciplining wayward soldiers is part of myjob description.” His cock jerked in Conyod’s grip. He liked wherethis line of questioning was going.
“Strappings, I suppose. And having themsubmitting to getting their asses fucked, so they’rehumiliated…right?”
Sletran licked his lips, his gaze runningover Conyod. “If I believe it’ll make them think twice aboutcommitting future breaches in conduct.”
“Would a terrible pun be enough to earn areminder of how offensive such humor is? How awful I am to assaultyour ears by committing this sort of foolishness?”
Sletran’s delighted grin answered for him.“On your belly, boy. Your ass is about to sting. Hold on. I left myclothes in your greeting room.”
He dashed out but quickly returned holdinghis utility belt studded by its many sheaths and pouches. Conyod’sshafts surged heat as much at his lover’s excited expression as theanticipation of putting himself at his mercy. They did so again asSletran whipped the covers from the sleeping mat to expose him.
Conyod lay carefully on his stomach, aware ofhis erections as he did so. He peered through the midnight spill ofhair to watch Sletran as he stripped his belt clear of devices. Thevarious pouches containing knives, a handheld computer, com unit,and various other tools of a squad leader’s trade thumped in quicksuccession to the ground.
The strap minus its accessories was thick. Anervous thrill shot through Conyod.
Sletran approached the sleeping mat, eyeingthe vulnerable ass awaiting his correction. Rather than immediatelyroasting it, however, he rubbed the muscular cheeks. His coarsemassage sent excitement tumbling straight to Conyod’s trappedlengths.
The Nobek’s gaze moved up. He frowned. “Hairout of the way. I want to watch your face while I beat your ass,boy, so I can make sure you’re learning your lesson.”
“Yes, sir.” Conyod flipped the thick tressesaside. Though he’d never served in the ground troops…an Imdikosoldier was an immense rarity…he was aware of how errant soldierswere disciplined by their superiors. He doubted any of them foundit enjoyable, but they probably weren’t giving themselves to afantasy he’d entertained through the years.
He’d finally learn if the fantasy could be asgood as real-life play.
Sletran dropped the stern disciplinarian actlong enough to say, “Give me a word to signal if this becomes toomuch. Something odd, off the wall.”
Conyod had forgotten his safety in hisexcitement. Once more, Sletran was protecting him from real harm.“Berlub.”
Sletran chuckled to hear him name the stolenberries that had brought them together all those years ago. “Berlubit is.” His expression hardened again, and he became the officerbringing the force of punishment to bear. “Don’t move, boy. Anattempt to escape punishment or hide your face from me will resultin double.”
“Yes, sir.” Conyod’s heart sped as the Nobekceased rubbing his ass. His soon-to-be-strapped ass.
Sletran stood tall and imposing, the thickleather poised for the first strike. It came in a blur ofmotion.
Conyod heard the meaty smack before hefelt it. Then the pain was upon him, lighting a streak of fireacross his buttocks. He gasped, and Sletran struck a secondtime.
Conyod shouted. The intensity was incredible,and he barely stopped himself from scrambling across the bed toescape. Fortunately, he’d done pain play in the past, so he knewwhat to expect…but the furious blaze across his ass was as intenseas anything he’d experienced prior to this.
Another blow from the strap. He wailed andkicked but managed to remain in place.
“That’s right,” Sletran grunted. Conyodmanaged to somehow note in the midst of his torment how pleased theNobek sounded. “I love hearing a lesson well-learned.”
He paused the strapping to rub Conyod’s ass.The rough handling, centered on where the belt had fallen,tormented him as much as the strikes. Conyod held his forearm tohis mouth to muffle his involuntary squall.
Sletran resumed whipping him. After a fewstrokes, he massaged the searing flesh once more. Conyod made noattempt to quiet his cries. It hurt.
However, another sensation was making itselfknown. When Sletran’s strap returned to its disciplinary work,Conyod grew aware of a buzzing sensation in his skull. The pain wastransforming. It burned like hell, but the torment hadn’talleviated his carnal urges. Indeed, he was growing more aroused ashe sank in his helplessness before his “superior officer.”
His yelps changed to moans as the heat ofanguish and rapture melted into a single intense sensation. Hiscock plumped beneath him, and he writhed to apply friction toalready aching need. Every slap from Sletran’s leather added to thecacophony of lust. His ass rose to meet it, rather than shyingaway.
“Fuck,” Sletran breathed, and tossed thestrap aside. He scrambled to get behind Conyod, between his legs.His hands gripped the Imdiko’s hips and lifted. An instant later,he sank his thick, wet primary in Conyod’s ass.