Page 2 of Clan and Crave

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Page 2 of Clan and Crave

He had to be wrong. There was no way thestunner with the knockout body was Conyod.

The young man caught sight of him, and hissmile stretched wider. “Sletran!”

Fighting to keep from gaping in astonishment,the Nobek stood. He managed a clumsy bow, which Conyod laughinglycopied.

“Conyod. You, uh, you grew up.” And wider.The Imdiko he’d avoided seeing for years wasn’t as tall and brawnyas Sletran, but he wasn’t a lightweight by any means. He filled hiswhite shirt impressively, its fabric stretching across a chiseledchest. His thighs did the same for his trousers.

“I still wouldn’t arm wrestle you fordrinks.” Conyod looked him over, his grin brighter by the second.“When were we last face to face? Six years ago? You haven’t changeda bit. Yeah, a glass of bohut, thanks,” he told the Dramok waiterwho’d arrived and openly ogled Conyod.

The Imdiko ignored the lustful gaze from theserver and dropped to the seat across from Sletran’s. Sletrandrifted to his floor cushion, his gaze locked on his companion.

Mother of All, this was no kid. Conyod was aman. A lot of gorgeous man.

The non-expression on Sletran’s strongfeatures told Conyod he’d made an impression. Schooled to hidehints of shock, it was the go-to impassive demeanor for many Nobekswhen they’d been surprised. The intensity of his stare was as muchof a giveaway as a dropped jaw would have been.

Conyod hadn’t developed his well-muscled bodysolely for Sletran’s benefit, but this moment, planned for the lastfew years, had offered a lot of motivation.

Surprise. I’m not the weak, scared boy youremember. It took every mote of his control to not laugh aloudin triumph.

Conyod was aware he damned near worshippedSletran. The man had been his idol since saving his pathetic ass asa runaway teen. The Nobek’s uber-masculine yet handsome featureswere framed by black hair. Taller than most at six-feet-ten andbulging breath-stopping muscle, his appearance was as textbookNobek as the warrior breed could get.

The waiter set glasses of bohut before themen, then hesitated. “Thanks.” Conyod’s gaze never moved fromSletran.

Completely ignoring the hopeful Dramok,Sletran leaned forward, his neutral expression breaking into adelighted grin. “Imdiko Conyod, look at you. Wow. Where’s theunderweight, angsty kid I knew?”

“Gone. You didn’t think I’d stay a boyforever, did you?” Conyod sipped his drink, affecting nonchalance.“I finished school, you know. I still have the occasional class toupgrade my certifications, but I work an internship at the hospitalhere in the capital. I’m hoping they’ll hire me fulltime after Ifinish the required hours.”

“A psychologist saving minds from life’sabuses…a great field.”

“Well, I know how therapy benefitted me. Ithought I’d pay it forward. What about you? How are the groundforces treating you? I don’t want your typical response of ‘fine,’which is all you ever text.”

“Sure, but it is going well. Probably not asimpressive where the pay grade is concerned as a full-fledgedpsychologist.”

“Ha! My paid internship keeps me insandwiches and little else. Don’t switch the conversation to me.What’s your rank now? Are you running the base yet?”

Sletran chuckled, seemingly unable to stopinspecting Conyod. “I’m still a foot soldier, but I am in charge ofmy squad, second in rank to my group commander. I’ve also been putin charge of training a couple of squads of new recruits. I hope tomake group commander myself in another year or two.”

“Bigger responsibilities and an imminent risein rank? That’s great. You probably will run the whole show beforeyou’re fifty.” Conyod was doing his own nonstop assessment. Hehadn’t shaken his infatuation for Sletran despite the distancetheir lives had put between them…as well as the Nobek’s polite butfirm determination to keep a lovestruck boy’s hero worship atbay.

Conyod was certain Sletran didn’t see him asa boy at the moment.

His assessment was proven when Sletraninvited him to dinner at a nearby restaurant after two hours ofnonstop talk. Once the conversation got going, there wasn’t anawkward pause to be found. Sletran’s past reluctance to get closershowed no sign of its presence. At the restaurant’s low table, theNobek slid his floor seating cushion next to Conyod’s and leanedclose to hear his companion speak.

At the start, Conyod wasn’t sure what theytalked about or even what he ate. His entire being was focused onthe man sitting by him, smiling as if they were the only two peoplein the world. His heart was alight. He’d at last arrived at themoment he’d hardly dared dream of for the past six years. Sletranwas looking at him. Seeing him as he was, a grown man ready toclaim life, love, and enjoyment.

Their conversation floated to him. “I’m stillin shock over your appearance. Tell me your workout regimen,”Sletran invited.

Conyod felt his face warm. Had the Nobekbrought up the subject to allow him to openly ogle him? Hiscompanion did so, appreciation written on his features. Conyod hadpurposely worn his tightest clothes in hopes Sletran would likewhat he saw. It seemed his ruse had succeeded.

“Weights, weights, weights. I run too. I’vealso kept up on the defensive training you taught me.”

“Really? You know, I have a side gig trainingImdiko youth in the discipline. You inspired me.”

“Did I?” Conyod cast for another subject tofocus on. The last thing he wanted to do was remind Sletran of thekid he’d been. The clingy, undernourished kid who’d been no morethan an object of pity for the soldier.

“I can’t get over how you’ve changed. Soconfident. So…grown up.”

Conyod relaxed. “Kids do that, you know.”

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