Page 25 of Clan and Crave

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Page 25 of Clan and Crave

“I noticed it also. It’s a rare trait, isn’tit?”

They spent the next half hour discussing thenewborn kestarsh before starting the day’s tasks. Though Conyodguessed the future would continue to see him bristling at Vel’soverprotectiveness, he at least felt he’d been given enough of aglimpse into his Nobek father’s heart to bear it.

Chapter Six

Conyod, age 24

Conyod grinned as Sletran held a piece ofroasted coha in front of his lips. He pretended to complain, “Do Ilook like a Matara to you?”

The Nobek chuckled as Conyod allowed himselfto be fed from his fingers despite the protest. “I doubt I’ll everhave a female love to feed. You’ll have to do.”

Am I your love then? The questiondanced on Conyod’s lips, but he was afraid of scaring his companionoff. He’d had several near-instances of such questions sinceSletran had arrived. Sooner or later, he’d trip up and saysomething that meant facing whether or not they were building anactual relationship. Maybe he should lock his overnight guest inthe apartment in case the wrong words spilled out.

They’d been dating each other for six months.Nothing had been said to establish them as a couple, but they actedas if they were. The time had come to ask Sletran if he saw them asmore than friends indulging in casual sex…but Conyod was terrifiedof losing what he had at last accomplished.

“How was your visit with your parents?”Sletran asked.

Conyod groaned. He’d returned the day beforeafter spending a couple nights at home.

“Fun, huh?” The Nobek tempted him withanother bite of coha.

Conyod accepted it, chewed, and swallowed.“Actually, it wasn’t awful. I’m so used to fending off my mother’sand Vel’s concerns, rolling my eyes is automatic. I had an okaystay.”

“Excellent.” Sletran grinned. “Someday,you’ll complain how they never give you any attention.”

“Ha!” Conyod snuggled close to lean againsthis lover’s shoulder. “If only. Tuher and Sema keep them on a shortleash, thank goodness. I went to town on my own the secondday.”

“Uh-huh. Run into any old friends? And by oldfriends, I mean available Nobek acquaintances.” Sletran gave him anarrow look.

Conyod’s heart gave a leap. Such statementskept those unthinkable questions on the verge of being asked. “Oh,I saw them all. There were too many to choose from, so I ignoredtheir attempts to catch my attention. I tell you, sometimes it’s achore to be so popular.”

“Is that a fact? Maybe I should come alongnext time you head to the plains. Let everyone know they’d betterback off.”

Conyod forgot to breathe for a moment. Hedeterminedly counseled himself, don’t read what isn’t there intohis playfulness. He’s already met my parents, so it isn’t as ifhe’s offering more than what we have.

“Yeah, you should. It’s time you prove to meyour assertion you can ride a kestarsh.” If we’re to be acommitted pair. Are we, Sletran?

“How is Dresk? Enjoying his stud duties sincewinning the mountain and trail championship for the fourth yearrunning?”

Conyod was both relieved and disappointed atthe change in conversation. “He’s incorrigible. A kestarshtransport shuttle lands on the grounds, and he prances up to thecorral’s containment border, tossing his mane and strutting forwhatever mare is led off it. The first day of my visit, he and Iwere coming in from a ride just as a transport showed up. He damnednear shook me off, he was dancing so enthusiastically for hislatest date. Thank the ancestors she played hard to get, or I mighthave been part of the intimate encounter. I managed to convince himto go to the breeding containment and let me off before things gottoo hot and heavy.”

Sletran bellowed laughter at his description.“Dresk has it made. He’s brought the best food, others clean up hisshit, and the females line up for him to make love to.”

“He has a life most of us only dream of,”Conyod agreed. “I’d trade places, but I draw the line at breedingwith mares. I don’t find kestarsh sexually attractive.”

“I’m relieved to hear it.” Sletran pushedtheir empty plates aside on the small table in Conyod’s kitchennook. “Since I don’t want the Nobeks lined up for your sexualfavors, allow me to impress you like Dresk impresses themares.”

“Oh, will you prance for me? Toss your longhair and rumble deep in your throat as a mating call?”

“How about I suck your cocks down my throatinstead?” Sletran scooped him off the floor cushion and sat him onthe edge of the table, where his plate had been a momentbefore.

“I won’t say no to that. Ever. You dancingfor me would still be a plus—”

As he’d spoken, Sletran had yanked his pantsopen. Conyod’s eager cocks sprang free. He’d broken off teasingSletran abruptly, because Sletran had done as he’d offered; hesucked Conyod’s secondary deep, swallowing him.

Conyod unleashed a groan as lightningexcitement shot through him. It hit hard enough for him to fallback. He caught himself on his elbows on the tabletop, barelynoting the shock of the impact reverberating up his arms. Hissenses were engulfed by the wet warmth of Sletran’s mouth.

The Nobek’s head slowly bobbed over hiscrotch. Conyod’s eyes rolled as his rough tongue applied gorgeousfriction to his flesh, sucking the whole while.

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